Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Food > Vegetables

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

adzuki aduki adsuki azuki a kind of bean, an Oriental food plant.
alexanders an umbelliferous plant, the stems of which were formerly eaten as CELERY is now > ALEXANDERSES.
aloo alu in Indian cooking, a potato.
arracacha an umbelliferous South American food-plant with edible tubers.
artichoke a thistlelike perennial plant with large fleshy scaly head and bracts and edible receptacle; the grey-green flower-head of this, served as a vegetable.
arugola rucola rugola arugula a Mediterranean plant used in salads.
asparagus any plant of the Asparagus genus of Liliaceae, one species having young shoots eaten as a delicacy.
aubergine the egg-shaped fruit of an Asian annual plant, eaten as a vegetable.
bagie (dial.) a turnip.
batata an aboriginal American name for the sweet potato.
batavia a variety of lettuce with smooth green leaves.
bean the name of several kinds of leguminous plants and their seeds; (verb) to strike on the head.
beanlike like a bean.
beansprout the sprout of a newly germinated mung bean, eaten as a vegetable, esp in Chinese dishes.
beanstalk the stem of a bean plant.
beet a plant of the goosefoot family, with a red or white succulent root, used as food (red) and as a source of sugar (white); (verb) to improve or mend, esp. a fire.
beetroot the dark-red root of the beet plant eaten as a vegetable.
bendy another name for OKRA > BENDYS.
bhindi OKRA as used in Indian cookery.
boniato a sweet potato.
borecole a brassicaceous plant of many varieties. [Du. boerenkool, peas cabbage].
borlotti as in borlotti bean, a kind of kidney bean. No —S.
brassica a cruciferous plant of the genus Brassica, which includes cabbage, turnip, rape, etc. [L. brassica, cabbage].
breadroot the edible root of a leguminous plant, found near the Rocky Mountains, aka prairie turnip.
brinjal in India, the aubergine or egg-plant.
broadbean a leguminous vegetable.
broccoli broccolini brocoli a plant of the Cabbage species, resembling the cauliflower.
cabbage a vegetable of the Cruciferae family; (verb) to steal or purloin, orig. of tailors who took small pieces of customer's cloth as a perquisite.
cabbagy cabbagey like a cabbage > CABBAGIER, CABBAGIEST
calabrese a variety of sprouting BROCCOLI.
calavance caravance a kind of PULSE.
camote in W. Indies, a yam or sweet potato.
canellini cannellini the white haricot beans used in French and Italian cooking.
caravance see CALAVANCE.
carrot a plant of the Umbelliferae family, having an edible tapering root of a reddish or yellowish colour.
carroty like or tasting of carrot > CARROTIER, CARROTIEST.
castock custock a cabbage stock.
cauliflower a variety of cabbage with a white, closely-packed, flower-head, eaten as a vegetable.
celeriac a vegetable, celery with a turnip-like root.
celery an umbelliferous plant whose blanched leafstalks are eaten cooked or uncooked as a vegetable.
celerylike like celery.
chana in Indian cooking, the CHICKPEA.
chard the edible leafstalk of a variety of white BEET.
chayote a tropical American cucurbitaceous plant, aka CHOKO or CHOCHO; its edible fruit eaten as a vegetable. [Sp. f. Nahuatl chayotli.]
chibol cibol ciboule. a variety of onion, aka spring onion.
chich the chick-pea > CHICHES.
chickpea a dwarf pea grown for food esp. in Asia.
chicon the shoot of the chicory plant, eaten like lettuce.
chicory see CHICON.
choko chocho the fruit of a tropical vine, similar to cucumber and eaten as a vegetable in the W Indies and Australia.
chou a cabbage; an ornamental soft rosette; a cream bun > CHOUX.
choucroute pickled cabbage.
cibol see CHIBOL.
ciboule see CHIBOL.
cocco the TARO or other edible araceous tuber > COCCOS.
cocoyam a tropical tuber.
colza a variety of cabbage cultivated for its seeds, which yield an oil valued for illuminating and lubricating purposes. [Du. koolzaad, cabbage seed].
cornichon a small gherkin.
cos a kind of lettuce > COSES.
courgette a small variety of vegetable marrow, aka ZUCCHINI.
cress a name for many pungent-leaved cruciferous plants of various genera often used as a culinary garnish and in salads.
cressy like CRESS.
crisphead a variety of lettuce.
crout cabbage cut fine and allowed to ferment in a brine made of its own juice with salt, aka SAUERKRAUT.
cubanelle a variety of pepper.
cucumber a climbing plant of the Cucurbitaceae, with bristly lobed leaves and tendrils; its long cylindrical fruit, used as a salad vegetable and pickle.
cuke a cucumber.
custock see CASTOCK.
daal the pigeon pea, a pea-like plant cultivated in India and the tropics.
dahl dal dhal dholl an Indian name for a lentil.
daikon a long white root vegetable similar to a RADISH.
dal see DAHL.
dasheen the TARO, a kind of yam.
dhal see DAHL.
dholl see DHAL.
dolichos a long-podded leguminous plant allied to the HARICOT > DOLICHOSES. [Gk. dolichos, long].
early an early potato > EARLIES.
edamame a preparation of baby soybeans in the pod commonly found in Japan, China and Korea.
eddo another name for TARO a kind of yam > EDDOES.
eggplant the AUBERGINE.
endive a salad plant of the chicory genus.
ervalenta revalenta lentil-meal.
escabeche pickled vegetables such as onions, carrots, jalapeno peppers and garlic, typically served with fish.
escarole a wavy-leafed salad plant of the ENDIVE family.
eschalot shallot shalot an onion with garlic-flavoured bulbs.
fava a broad bean.
fiddlehead fiddleneck one of the young unfurling fronds of ferns that are sometimes eaten as a vegetable.
frijol frijole the kidney bean > in both cases FRIJOLES not FRIJOLS*.
frisee a variety of curly ENDIVE.
garbanzo a chickpea > GARBANZOS.
gherkin girkin a kind of small, prickly cucumber, much used for pickles.
gobi in India, a cabbage or cauliflower.
greenstuff green vegetables.
guar a legume grown for forage and its seeds which yield guar gum.
gumbo another name for OKRA.
haricot a kind of bean or pea.
holubtsi cabbage rolls.
horsebean a variety of broad bean.
ingan an onion.
jibbons Spring onions. No JIBBON*.
jicama an edible starchy tuberous root of a leguminous tropical American vine.
kabocha a Japanese pumpkin or squash.
kale a hardy cabbage-like vegetable.
kamokamo kumikumi (Maori) a kind of marrow found in New Zealand.
kohlrabi a variety of cabbage > KOHLRABIES or KOHLRABIS.
kumara kumera the sweet potato.
lablab a tropical bean with edible pods.
leek a vegetable of the onion genus.
legume the fruit or edible portion of any leguminous plant (bean, pea, etc.) grown for food.
lentil a leguminous annual plant common near the Mediterranean; its small, flattish, round seed, orange or brown, used for food.
lettuce a composite plant with milky juice, or one of many varieties, whose leaves are used for salad.
lima a kind of bean.
mandioc manihoc manihot manioc manioca a plant of the manioc genus whose roots yield a nourishing starch; cassava.
mangel mangold a variety of BEET.
mangetout a type of pea cooked and eaten together with its pod; aka snow peas.
mangold see MANGEL.
manihoc see MANDIOC.
manihot see MANDIOC.
manioc see MANDIOC.
manioca see MANDIOC.
marrow a variety of pumpkin cooked as a vegetable; (verb) to be a companion to.
marrowfat a rich but late variety of pea.
melongene an aubergine.
mibuna a Japanese vegetable of the cabbage family, closely related to MIZUNA.
microgreens the shoots of young salad plants, served as a vegetable dish.
mizuna a variety of lettuce with crisp green leaves.
mooli an E. African vegetable like a radish > MOOLIS.
moong as in moong bean, a kind of bean.
murphy (coll.) a potato.
navew a rape or coleseed with a carrot-shaped root; a wild Swedish turnip.
neep a turnip.
oakleaf a variety of lettuce.
okra a tropical plant of the mallow family, with edible pods.
oniony like an onion > ONIONIER, ONIONIEST.
pamphrey (Irish) a cabbage.
parsnep a parsnip.
parsnip an umbelliferous plant or its edible carrot-like root.
pea the nutritious seed of certain papilionaceous climbing plants.
peacod peapod peascod peasecod the pod of the pea.
pealike like a pea.
peapod see PEACOD.
peascod see PEACOD.
peasecod see PEACOD.
petsai chinese cabbage.
piquilio (Spanish) a variety of sweet red pepper.
poblano a dark green, moderately hot CHILI used in Mexican cooking.
pousse pease.
pratie praty a potato.
psoralea a plant of the bean family.
pulse the seeds of leguminous plants as food collectively, beans, peas, lentils, etc; (verb) to beat, throb.
radicchio a purple-leaved variety of chicory from Italy > RADICCHIOS.
radish a plant of the genus Raphanus; its pungent root, eaten raw as a salad vegetable.
rapini immature turnip plants > RAPINIS.
rappini immature turnip.
revalenta see ERVALENTA.
roastie a roast potato > ROASTIES.
rocket a cruciferous salad plant of Mediterranean origin.
romaine a type of lettuce.
romanesco a type of cauliflower.
rounceval a large variety of garden pea.
rucola see ARUGOLA.
rugola see ARUGOLA.
runch the wild radish.
rutabaga a root vegetable like a swede. [Swed. dialect rotabagge].
saag in Indian cookery, spinach.
salading herbs and vegetables for salad.
salsify the oyster plant or vegetable oyster, a purple-flowered European composite plant cultivated for its edible root tasting like oysters, and its tender spring shoots boiled like asparagus.
sauerkraut cabbage cut fine and allowed to ferment in a brine made of its own juice with salt.
savoy a kind of cabbage.
scallion an onion with a slim bulb; a leek.
shallot see ESCHALOT.
shalot see ESCHALOT.
smallage wild celery.
soybean a bean produced by an eastern Asiatic plant.
spinach spinage a plant of the goosefoot family; its young leaves used as a vegetable.
spinachy resembling spinach.
spinage see SPINACH.
sprew sprue a very thin, inferior asparagus.
swede a Swedish turnip, a large buff-flowered, glaucous-leaved kind with yellow flesh.
sweetcorn a sweet variety of maize; the yellow kernels of this, eaten as a vegetable.
sybo syboe sybow a CIBOL, a spring onion > of SYBO is SYBOES.
taro a kind of yam, aka DASHEEN, EDDO > TAROS.
tater a potato.
tatie a potato.
tatsoi (Chinese) a variety of Chinese cabbage.
tattie a potato.
tostone a Mexican dish of fried plantains.
tumshie (Scots) a turnip. [Chambers says 'often humorous': I love the idea of one Scot saying TUMSHIE and all the others falling about laughing: who said the Scots didn't have a sense of humour?]
turnip the swollen edible root of a brassicaceous plant; (verb) to plant with turnips; to feed on turnips > TURNIPS, TURNIPING, TURNIPED.
turnipy like a turnip > TURNIPIER, TURNIPIEST.
veg a vegetable > VEGES; (verb) to laze about, to engage in mindless activity > VEGGES, VEGGED, VEGGING.
vegetable a plant or part of one used for food, other than those considered to be fruits.
vidalia a sweet onion from Vidalia, Georgia.
witloof a kind of CHICORY with white leaves.
wurzel a variety of beet. [Ger. Wurzel, root].
yam a large tuberous edible root like the potato, grown in tropical countries.
zucchini a courgette > ZUCCHINIS.