Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Food > Meals

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

afters dessert.
barbie (Aust. sl.) a barbecue.
barby a barbecue.
beano (Sl.) a feast.
breakfast the first meal of the day; (verb) to take breakfast.
brekkie (Coll.) breakfast.
brekky (Coll.) breakfast.
brunch a meal combining breakfast and lunch; (verb) to eat a late morning meal.
bruncher someone who eats brunch.
carryout a takeout order for food.
chinese (Coll.) a Chinese meal. No -S.
collation a light meal.
convive (Arch.) to feast together.
cookout a meal eaten and prepared out of doors.
cornmeal meal made from corn.
crudites (Fr.) raw fruit and vegetables served as hors d'oeuvre.
dejeune (Arch.) breakfast, lunch.
dejeuner (Fr.) a breakfast; sometimes, also, a lunch or collation.
deskfast a breakfast eaten at one's desk.
dine to eat dinner.
disjune (Scots) breakfast; (verb) to take breakfast.
elevenses a light meal or coffee break at around 11 am.
entree (Fr.) a dish served between the fish course and the main meat course.
feast a rich and abundant meal; (verb) to eat sumptuously.
fourses (Dial.) a snack taken at four o'clock.
friture (Fr.) a dish of fried food, a fritter.
kai (NZ) a meal.
kaikai (Maori) food, a feast.
kickshaw a fancy dish, a delicacy; a trinket.
kickshaws a fancy dish, a delicacy; a trinket.
lunch a noonday meal; (verb) to eat a noonday meal.
lunchbreak a break for lunch.
luncheon lunch; (verb, arch.) to take luncheon.
luncher one who takes lunch.
meze (Turkish) a type of appetizer served in Greece.
mezze (Turkish) a type of appetizer served in Greece.
munchie a small amount of food eaten between meals.
munchy suitable for snacking.
nacket (Scots) a snack, a light lunch.
nibbly a small food item.
nocket a snack; a light lunch.
nuncheon a light meal; a lunch.
picnic an outdoor excursion with food (verb) to go on a picnic
picnicker one who picnics.
picnicky like a picnic.
pigout (Coll.) a feast.
pousowdie (Scots) any mixture of heterogeneous kinds of food.
powsowdy (Scots) any mixture of heterogeneous kinds of food.
prandial of or relating to a meal.
prandially (Adv.) PRANDIAL, of or relating to a meal.
ratatouille (Fr.) a vegetable dish of aubergines, courgettes, tomatoes, onions, and peppers fried and stewed in oil
refection refreshment; a meal.
refective relating to refection.
repast a large meal, a feast; (verb, Shakesp.) to feed.
rumbledethump a Scottish dish of butter and mashed potatoes, sometimes mixed with cabbage or turnips.
rumbledethumps a Scottish dish of butter and mashed potatoes, sometimes mixed with cabbage or turnips.
scouse a sailor's dish; bread scouse contains no meat; lobscouse contains meat, etc.
seder (Hebrew) a Pesach ceremonial meal.
smokeho in the Falkland Isles, an 11 a.m meal consisting of sausage rolls, cream cakes and strong sweet tea.
smoko in the Falkland Isles, an 11 a.m meal consisting of sausage rolls, cream cakes and strong sweet tea.
smorg (Short for) smorgasbord.
snack a light meal; (verb) to eat a light meal.
snacker one who snacks.
snacky suitable as a light meal.
supper a light meal eaten in the evening; (verb, arch.) to provide with supper.
takeaway a meal that is taken away from the place of purchase.
takeout a takeaway.
thali (Hindi) a meal consisting of several small meat or vegetable dishes accompanied by rice, bread, etc..
tiffin lunch; a light meal; (verb) to have lunch.
tiffing lunch; a light meal.
undern (Obs.) orig the third hour of the day, about nine a.m; later, a light meal taken in the afternoon.
voidee (Hist.) wine and light food taken before going to bed.
zakouska (Russian) a hors d'oeuvre; a snack.
zakuska (Russian) a hors d'oeuvre; a snack.