Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Food > Jams & Jellies

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

aspic a clear savoury meat or fish-jelly used as a glaze.
aspis a clear savoury meat or fish-jelly used as a glaze.
barleduc a kind of gooseberry jam.
comfiture (Obs.) conserve, preserved fruit.
compot (Fr.) fruit stewed in sugar or syrup.
compote (Fr.) fruit stewed in sugar or syrup.
cowheel the foot of an ox stewed to a jelly.
injelly to place in jelly.
jeelie (Scots) jelly, jam; (verb) to set, jell.
jeely (Scots) jelly, jam; (verb) to set, jell.
jell to set like jelly.
jellify to become like a jelly.
jello (Tradename) a jelly dessert.
jelly a clear, gelatinous, fruit-flavoured dessert; (verb) to set like jelly.
jellylike like a jelly.
kanten (Japanese) agar-agar jelly.
konfyt (Afrikaans) a preserve of fruit, in syrup or candied.
marmalade a jam or preserve made from the pulp and sometimes rind of citrus fruit.
moskonfyt (Afrikaans) a thick syrup made from grapes.
quiddany a jelly or thick syrup made from sweetened quince juice; (verb) to make into quince jelly.
sirup a saturated solution of sugar boiled to prevent fermentation (verb) to make into a syrup
sirupy of or like sirup.