Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
aspic | a clear savoury meat or fish-jelly used as a glaze. |
aspis | a clear savoury meat or fish-jelly used as a glaze. |
barleduc | a kind of gooseberry jam. |
comfiture | (Obs.) conserve, preserved fruit. |
compot | (Fr.) fruit stewed in sugar or syrup. |
compote | (Fr.) fruit stewed in sugar or syrup. |
cowheel | the foot of an ox stewed to a jelly. |
injelly | to place in jelly. |
jeelie | (Scots) jelly, jam; (verb) to set, jell. |
jeely | (Scots) jelly, jam; (verb) to set, jell. |
jell | to set like jelly. |
jellify | to become like a jelly. |
jello | (Tradename) a jelly dessert. |
jelly | a clear, gelatinous, fruit-flavoured dessert; (verb) to set like jelly. |
jellylike | like a jelly. |
kanten | (Japanese) agar-agar jelly. |
konfyt | (Afrikaans) a preserve of fruit, in syrup or candied. |
marmalade | a jam or preserve made from the pulp and sometimes rind of citrus fruit. |
moskonfyt | (Afrikaans) a thick syrup made from grapes. |
quiddany | a jelly or thick syrup made from sweetened quince juice; (verb) to make into quince jelly. |
sirup | a saturated solution of sugar boiled to prevent fermentation (verb) to make into a syrup |
sirupy | of or like sirup. |