Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
abricock apricock | an apricot. |
acai | a berry found in the Brazilian rainforest, aka palm berry: ACAIS. |
ackee akee | a small African sapindaceous tree, now common in the W Indies; its edible fruit, often used in Caribbean cookery. |
acorn | the fruit of the oak, from which a bitter coffee can be made. |
acorned | bearing acorns. |
aguacate | an AVOCADO pear. |
ajowan ajwan | the fruit of an Egyptian plant of the caraway genus. |
akee | see ACKEE. |
algaroba algarroba algarrobo | the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods. The pl. of ALGARROBO is ALGARROBOS. |
almond | the fruit, and esp the kernel, of a tree related to the peach. |
almondy | having an almond flavour > ALMONDIER, ALMONDIEST. |
amarelle | a kind of sour cherry. |
amygdal | (obs.) an almond. |
anana ananas | the pineapple plant. The pl. of ANANAS is ANANASES. |
aniseed | the dried fruit of anise; a cordial made from this. |
apple | the firm round edible fruit of the apple tree. |
appley | resembling or tasting of apple > APPLIER, APPLIEST. |
apricock | see ABRICOCK. |
apricot | a fruit of the plum genus, roundish, orange-coloured, with a downy skin. |
atemoya | a tropical fruit of a tree that is a hybrid of the SWEETSOP and the CHERIMOYA. |
avocado | a rough-skinned pear-shaped edible fruit. [Sp. from Nahuatl ahuacatl]. Pl. AVOCADOS or AVOCADOES. |
babaco | a subtropical five-sided fruit related to the PAPAYA. Pl. BABACOS. |
bakeapple | the fruit of the CLOUDBERRY. |
banana | a gigantic tree-like herbaceous plant or its nutritious yellow fruit which grows in hanging bunches. |
bayberry | the fruit of the bay tree or Laurus nobilis. |
beaufin biffin | a variety of red cooking apple. |
beernut | a peanut with a sweet coating. |
bergamot | a variety of pear; also a citrus tree, bearing fruit similar to an orange, from the rind of which a fragrant essence is prepared. |
betelnut | the ARECA nut. |
beurre | a pear with the meat soft and melting. |
biffin | see BEAUFIN. |
bigarade | a bitter Seville orange. |
bigaroon | the large white-heart cherry. |
bigarreau | any of several heart-shaped varieties of cherry: BIGARREAUS. |
bilberry | a whortleberry shrub; its dark-blue edible berry. |
bilimbi bilimbing blimbing | an E. Indian tree of the wood-sorrel family; its sour green fruit, aka STARFRUIT, used in chutneys. |
blackberry | the fruit of the bramble. |
blackcurrant | the small black berry of the garden shrub Ribes nigrum of the gooseberry genus. |
blackheart | a heart-shaped CHERRY with a very dark-colored skin. |
blaeberry | the BILBERRY. |
blanquet | a variety of pear. |
blueberry | the edible fruit of Vaccinium vacillans and other American species. |
boysenberry | a fruit growing on a bramble, a hybrid of certain raspberries and blackberries. |
brasil brazil | an oily, three-sided nut, the seed of the Bertholletia excelsa. |
breadfruit | a fruit found in the Pacific. |
breadnut | a tropical fruit. |
buffaloberry | an American shrub of the oleaster family; its edible scarlet berry. |
bullace | a small wild plum fruit and tree. |
bumbleberry | a mixture of berries used in pie fillings and in preserves. |
butternut | an American tree of the Walnut family, and its edible fruit; -- so called from the oil contained in the latter. |
cackleberry | a kind of berry > CACKLEBERRIES. |
calabaza | a variety of squash. |
calamansi kalamansi | a citrus hybrid predominantly cultivated in the Philippines, aka calamondin. |
calamata | an aubergine-coloured Greek olive. Also KALAMATA. |
calamondin | a small citrus tree, native to the Philippines; its acid-tasting orange-like fruit. [Tagalog kalamunding]. |
candlenut | the oil-yielding fruit of a tropical tree. |
canefruit | fruit borne upon canes, such as raspberries. |
canistel | a Caribbean fruit. |
cantaloupe cantaloup | a small musk melon with a ribbed skin. Named from the Roman town of Cantalupo. |
caprifig | the goat-fig, a species of wild fig. |
capsicum | a plant yielding (e.g. red or green) peppers; its fruit. |
carambola | a small E Indian tree of the wood-sorrel family; its acrid yellow pulpy fruit used for making tarts, preserves, etc (aka star fruit). |
carob | the sweet-flavoured seed of an evergreen tree, also called locust bean. [Arabic kharrubah]. |
casaba cassaba | a kind of melon. [From a town in W. Turkey]. |
cashaw | a kind of pumpkin. [Algonquin]. |
cashew | a large tree native to tropical America and cultivated for its edible kidney-shaped nuts; the nut itself. [Tupi (a)caju)]. |
cassaba | see CASABA. |
cedrate | a variety of CITRON or lemon. |
cherimoya cherimoyer chirimoya | a Peruvian fruit resembling the custard apple. [Sp. f. Quechua, f. chiri cold, refreshing + muya circle]. |
cherry | a small fleshy fruit having a large hard stone; (verb) (Spenser) to cheer; (adj.) like a cherry in colour: CHERRIER, CHERRIEST. |
chesil | a variety of pear, greenish in colour. |
chesnut chestnut | a tree of genus Castanea, esp the Spanish or sweet chestnut; its edible nut, encased (three together) in a prickly husk. |
chirimoya | see CHERIMOYA. |
chokeberry | a small astringent fruit of various N American shrubs related to the apple. |
chokecherry | an astringent American cherry. |
citrange | a hybrid of a CITRON and an orange. |
citron | the fruit of the citron tree, resembling a lemon. |
citrous | relating to the CITRON, a fruit resembling a lemon. |
citrussy | of or like citrus fruit< CITRUSSIER, CITRUSSIEST |
citrusy | of or like citrus fruit > CITRUSIER, CITRUSIEST. |
clementine | a hybrid of ORANGE and TANGERINE. |
cloudberry | a species of raspberry (Rubus Chamaemerous) growing in the northern regions, and bearing edible, amber-colored fruit. |
cobnut | a large roundish variety of the cultivated hazelnut. |
cocoanut coconut cokernut | the large, hard-shelled nut of the cocoa palm. |
coconutty | having the flavour of coconut > COCONUTTIER, COCONUTTIEST. |
cocoplum | a W. Indian rosaceous tree; its edible fruit. [Sp. icaco + plum]. |
cocozelle | a variety of SQUASH. |
codling | an unripe apple. |
cokernut | see COCOANUT. |
colombard | a kind of grape used to make wine. |
comice | a variety of pear. |
costard | an apple, large and round like the head. |
cowberry | the red WHORTLEBERRY. |
crabapple | a small sour wild apple. |
crakeberry | another name for CROWBERRY. |
cranapple | designating a combination of cranberry and apple. |
cranberry | the red acid berry of a small evergreen shrub (Vaccinium oxycoccos), made into sauces and jellies. |
crenshaw | a variety of melon. |
crookneck | a SQUASH with a long recurved neck. |
cubeb | the pungent berry of a S.E. Asian shrub of the pepper family, used in medicine and cookery. |
cumquat kumquat | any of several small yellow to orange citrus fruits with sweet spongy rind and somewhat acid pulp that are used chiefly for preserves. |
currant | a small black RAISIN or dried seedless grape. |
curranty | full of currants > CURRANTIER, CURRANTIEST. |
cushaw | a kind of pumpkin. |
cymbling cymlin | , cymling, simlin a variety of squash. |
damson | a rather small, oval, dark-purple plum, or the tree producing it. |
dewberry | a fruit like a blackberry, with a bluish, dew-like bloom. |
dika | (the fruit or seed of) the wild mango, a W. African tree. [Mpongwe odika condiment.] |
dolcetto | a variety of grape for making wine. |
durian durion | a tree of the BOMBAX family, widely grown in tropical Asia; the spinous fruit of this, the pulp of which is foul-smelling but palatable. [Malay duri, prickle]. |
earthpea | the peanut. |
eggfruit | an aubergine. |
elderberry | the fruit of the elder, used in wine-making. |
fig | a squishy sort of fruit with a lot of seeds. |
figgy | full of figs < FIGGIER, FIGGIEST. |
figlike | resembling a fig. |
filberd filbert | a kind of hazel-nut. |
fraughan | the whortleberry. |
fruict | (obs.) fruit. |
fruit | an edible part of a plant, generally sweet, acid and juicy, esp a part that contains the seed, but sometimes extended to include other parts (e.g. the leaf-stalk in rhubarb). |
fruitery | fruit, taken collectively. |
fruitful | bearing fruit > FRUITFULLER, FRUITFULLEST. |
fruity | tasting of fruit > FRUITIER, FRUITIEST. |
genip genipap | a large rubiaceous W. Indian tree; its orange-sized, wine-flavoured fruit. |
goji | the vitamin-rich berry of a solanaceous Chinese plant, aka wolfberry . |
goldenberry | the Cape gooseberry or strawberry tomato. |
goober | a peanut. [Bantu origin]. |
gooseberry | the small oval fruit (usu green) of the gooseberry-bush, a prickly shrub of the saxifrage family. |
goosegob goosegog | a gooseberry. |
gourd | a large hard-rinded fleshy fruit characteristic of the cucumber family. |
gourdlike | like a GOURD, a large hard-rinded fleshy fruit characteristic of the cucumber family. |
granadilla grenadilla | the fruit of certain species of passion flower found in Brazil and the West Indies. |
grapefruit | a large, round, yellow-skinned citrus fruit, so called because it grows in large bunches like grapes. |
grapelike | like a grape. |
grapey grapy | made of or like grapes > GRAPIER, GRAPIEST |
grapiness | the quality of being grape-like. |
greengage | a green and very sweet variety of plum, or the tree producing it. |
greening | a variety of apple. |
grenache | a kind of black grape; a red wine made from this. |
grenadilla | see GRANADILLA. |
groser grosert groset grossart | a gooseberry. |
groundnut | the peanut or monkey-nut (Arachis). |
guava | a small tropical myrtaceous tree; its yellow, pear-shaped fruit. |
haanepoot hanepoot honeypot | a kind of grape. [Dutch haane-poot, cockfoot]. |
hautbois hautboy | a large kind of strawberry. |
hazelnut | the nut of the hazel. |
hep | a rosehip; (adj.) knowing, streetwise > HEPPER, HEPPEST. |
hindberry | the raspberry. |
honeybell | a hybrid of a tangerine and a pomelo, or grapefruit. |
honeydew | a type of melon. |
honeydewed | covered with HONEYDEW, a sugary substance excreted by aphids and other insects. |
honeypot | a kind of grape. [Dutch haane-poot, cockfoot]. |
huckleberry | an American shrub of the heath family; its edible blue-black fruit. |
hurtleberry | another name for WHORTLEBERRY. |
inkberry | the fruit of any of various N. American shrubs. |
jack jak | a tree of the East Indies of the breadfruit genus; its fruit. [Portuguese jaca, from Malayalam chakka]. |
jakfruit | the fruit of the JAK tree. |
jargonel jargonelle | an early pear. |
jenneting juneating | an early type of apple. |
kaki | a fruit like a persimmon. |
kalamata | an aubergine-coloured Greek olive. Also CALAMATA. |
kalumpit | a Philippine tree of the MYROBALAN genus; its edible fruit. |
karaka | a New Zealand tree with edible orange fruit whose seeds are poisonous until treated. |
kiwifruit | the edible green fruit of the Chinese gooseberry. |
konini | the edible dark purple berry of the KOTUKUTUKU or tree fuchsia. |
kumquat | see CUMQUAT. |
labrusca | a fox grape > LABRUSCAS. |
leechee lichi lichee litchi lychee | a Chinese fruit. |
lemon | a pale yellow oval citrus fruit with sour-tasting flesh; (verb) to flavour with lemon. |
lemonish | like lemon. |
lemonlike | like a lemon. |
lemony | like a lemon in shape or flavour > LEMONIER, LEMONIEST. |
lichee | see LEECHEE. |
lichi | see LEECHEE. |
lime | a tropical citrus tree; its small nearly globular fruit, with acid-tasting flesh; (verb) to treat with lime. |
lingberry | the red whortleberry. Also COWBERRY. |
lingonberry | the cowberry or red whortleberry, esp as used in Scandinavian cookery. [Swedish lingon, cowberry]. |
litchi | see LEECHEE. |
loganberry | a hybrid between a raspberry and a Pacific coast blackberry. |
longan lungan | a pulpy fruit related to the litchi, and produced by an evergreen East Indian tree. [Chinese lung-yen, dragon's eye]. |
lychee | see LEECHEE. |
macadamia | a kind of nut grown in Australia. |
madafu | coconut milk. |
malvasia | a type of grape from which MALMSEY is made. |
malvasian | relating to MALVASIA, a type of grape from which MALMSEY is made. |
mamee mamey mamie mammee mammey | a tropical plant having an edible fruit with bright yellow pulp. Th pl. of MAMEY is MAMEYS or MAMEYES. |
mandarin mandarine | a small orange of Chinese orange. |
mango | a tropical tree of the cashew-nut family; its yellowish-red fleshy fruit. Pl. MANGOS or MANGOES. |
mangosteen | a large reddish orange-like fruit of E. Indies. |
marasca | a bitter wild cherry. |
marionberry | a hybrid fruit, a cross between a loganberry and a wild blackberry. [From Marion County, Oregon, where it was developed]. |
marron | a large CHESTNUT. |
matoke matooke | in Uganda, plantain used as a staple food. |
maypop | the edible fruit of a passion flower, an oval yellowish berry as large as a small apple. |
mazard mazzard | a kind of small black cherry. |
mebos | in S. Africa, salted or sugared dried apricots. [Possibly from Japanese umeboshi, a kind of plum]. Pl. MEBOSES. |
medlar | a small tree related to the apple; its fruit. |
melicotton melocoton melocotoon | a kind of large peach. |
melon | any of several juicy, edible gourds. |
melony | like a melon > MELONIER, MELONIEST. |
mineola minneola | a variety of citrus fruit developed from a tangerine and a grapefruit. |
mirabelle | a European species of plum-tree; the small, yellow, firm-fleshed fruit of this. |
mockernut | a kind of hickory nut. |
monstera | a kind of fruit, grown in Queensland and the West Indies. |
morello | a kind of nearly black cherry with dark red flesh and juice, -- used chiefly for preserving. Pl. MORELLOS. |
mourvedre | (French) a variety of red wine grape. |
mulberry | any of various trees of the genus Morus, esp. Morus nigra, grown for its purple, succulent fruit. |
muskmelon | the fruit of the melon, esp. a variety with netted rind and aromatic flesh. |
myrobalan | the astringent fruit of an Indian tree; the cherry-plum. |
naartje nartjie naartjie | a small sweet orange like the mandarin. [Afk. f. Tamil narattai citrus]. |
naras narras | an edible melonlike fruit of a S. African shrub. |
nartjie | see NAARTJE. |
naseberry neesberry nisberry | an edible fruit, the SAPODILLA. |
nashi | an Asian pear. |
nectarine | a fruit resembling a peach. |
neesberry | see NASEBERRY. |
nelies nelis | a winter pear. Pl. NELIES, NELIS. |
nickernut | the nut of the bonduc tree. |
nisberry | see NASEBERRY. |
nonpareil | a fine variety of apple; also, generally, a thing of unequalled excellence; a paragon. |
nut | popularly, any fruit with an edible seed in a hard shell. |
nutlet | a small nut. |
nutlike | like a nut. |
nutmeal | meal made from nuts. |
nutmeat | the edible part of a nut. |
nutshell | the shell of a nut. |
nuttiness | the quality of being NUTTY. |
nutting | the act of gathering nuts. |
nutty | tasting like a nut > NUTTIER, NUTTIEST. |
oilnut | the buffalo nut. |
olive | the small oval stoned fruit of the olive tree, yellowish-green when unripe, ripening to a shiny black, with bitter-tasting flesh. |
orange | a reddish-yellow fruit with tough skin, within which are juicy segments. |
orleans | a variety of plum. |
ortanique | a cross between an orange and a tangerine. |
oxheart | a large heart-shaped cherry, either black, red, or white. |
pampelmoose pampelmouse pompelmoose pompelmous pompelmouse pompelo pomelo pumelo pummelo | the shaddock or grapefruit. The pl. of POMPELO etc. is in —S. The pl. of PAMPELMOUSE is, rather sadly, PAMPELMOUSES and not PAMPELMICE*. |
pampoen | a pumpkin. |
papaw papaya pawpaw | a tree of the custard-apple family; its fruit. |
papayan | like a PAPAYA. |
pattypan | a round flattish variety of squash. |
pawpaw | see PAPAW, PAPAYA. |
peaberry | a small round coffee seed, growing singly. |
peach | a sweet, juicy, velvety-skinned stone-fruit; (verb) to inform against; to turn informer. |
peachily | pEACHY. |
peachy | coloured or tasting somewhat of peach > PEACHIER, PEACHIEST. |
peanut | the edible seed of a S American plant (Arachis), developing in pods underground. |
pear | a fruit, a pome tapering towards the stalk and bulged at the end. |
pearmain | a type of apple. |
pecan | a kind of nut. |
pembina | the bush cranberry, Viburnum trilobum. [Cree]. |
pepino | a purple-striped pale yellow fruit with sweet flesh > PEPINOS. |
pepita | the dried seed of a pumpkin or squash. |
pepo peponida peponium | any fleshy fruit with a firm rind, as a pumpkin, melon, or gourd. The pl. of PEPO is PEPOS. |
persimmon | a kind of plum-like fruit. |
picholine | a variety of olive. |
pieplant | another name for RHUBARB. |
pignoli pignolia | the edible kernels of pine cones. |
pili pilinut | a kind of nut. |
pineapple | a large S American multiple fruit with tough spiny skin. |
pinon pinyon | an edible pine seed; the tree bearing it. The pl. of PINON is PINONS or PINONES. |
pinotage | a variety of grape grown mainly in S. Africa, produced by crossing Pinot with another grape. |
pippin | a kind of apple. |
pistachio | a kind of tree, or its edible nut-like fruit. |
plantain | a musaceous plant; its fruit, a coarse green-skinned banana used as a staple food in tropical countries. |
plum | an oval drupe or stone-fruit with juicy, sweet-tasting yellowish flesh. |
plumcot pluot | a hybrid of a plum and an apricot. |
plumdamas | a damson > PLUMDAMASES. |
plumlike | like a plum. |
pomace | crushed apples for cider-making. |
pomato | a tomato grafted on to a potato >POMATOES. |
pome | any fruit of the apple family e.g. apple, quince. |
pomelike | resembling a pome. |
pomelo | see PAMPELMOOSE. |
pomeroy pomroy | an old variety of apple. |
pompelmoose | see PAMPELMOOSE. |
pompelmous | see PAMPELMOOSE. |
pompelmouse | see PAMPELMOOSE. |
pompelo | see PAMPELMOOSE. |
pompion pumpion | a pumpkin. |
pomroy | see POMEROY. |
pomwater | a sweet juicy apple. |
poperin poppering poprin | a variety of pear. POPRIN does not take -S. |
prune | a dried plum. Older forms of the name are PROIN, PROINE, PRUINE, PROYN, PROYNE, PREWYN. (Verb) to cut esp. plants. |
prunello | a fine kind of prune, esp. one made from a greengage > PRUNELLOS. |
pruney | resmbling a prune > PRUNIER, PRUNIEST. |
pumelo pummelo | see PAMPELMOOSE. |
pumpion | see POMPION. |
pumpkin punkin | a plant of the gourd family, or its fruit. |
quarenden quarender quarrender quarrington | a kind of early red apple. |
quince | an orange-coloured, pear-shaped fruit. |
raisin | a dried grape. |
raisiny | full of raisins > RAISINIER, RAISINIEST. |
rambutan | a tree of the same family as the LYCHEE; its fruit. [Malay rambut, hair]. |
rareripe rathripe ratheripe | a fruit that ripens early. |
raspberry | the fruit of Rubus idaeus. |
ratheripe | see RARERIPE. |
rathripe | see RARERIPE. |
razzberry | raspberry. |
redcurrant | the small red berry of a shrub of the gooseberry genus. |
redstreak | a favorite English cider apple, having the skin streaked with red and yellow. |
reinette | a name given to many different kinds of apples, mostly of French origin. |
rennet | 1. a type of apple. Also REINETTE. 2. any means of curdling milk, especially a preparation of calf's stomach. |
rhapontic | the common rhubarb. |
rhubarb | any species of the genus Rheum; the leaf-stalks cooked and used as if fruit. |
rhubarby | like rhubarb. No comp! |
ribier | a large black grape. |
ribston ribstone | a variety of winter apple brought from Normandy to Ribston Hall in Yorkshire. |
rizard rizzar rizzart rizzer | (Scots) a redcurrant. RIZZER and RIZZAR (along with RIZZOR) are also a verb: to dry in the sun. |
rosehip | the fruit of the wild rose. |
ruddock | a variety of apple; also a dialect name for the robin. |
russeting | a russet apple. |
sabra | a prickly-pear fruit; also, a native Israeli. |
saligot | the water chestnut. |
salmonberry | a salmon-coloured N. American raspberry. |
sapodilla sapota zapotilla | the edible fruit of a Mexican tree. |
saskatoon | an amelanchier of western N. America; the sweet purple edible berry of this shrub. [Cree]. |
satsuma | a small citrus fruit. |
scaldberry | the blackberry (from a belief that it causes SCALDHEAD). |
sebesten | an oriental boraginaceous tree; its edible plumlike fruit. [Arabic sebastan]. |
seckel seckle | a small reddish brown sweet and juicy pear. [From a farm near Philadelphia, afterwards owned by a Mr. Seckel]. |
semillon | a grape used to make wine. |
serviceberry | the fruit of a N. American tree of genus Amelanchier. |
shadberry | the edible fruit of the SHADBUSH. |
shaddock | a grapefruit-like tree and fruit. |
sharon | as in sharon fruit, persimmon. No —S. |
sheepberry | the edible fruit of a small North American tree of the genus Viburnum (V. Lentago), having white flowers in flat cymes; also, the tree itself. |
shiraz | a type of red grape, aka SYRAH. |
simlin | see CYMLIN. |
slae | a sloe. |
sloe | the fruit of the blackthorn. |
soursop | a W. Indian tree of the Anona species; its large, sour, pulpy fruit. |
spanspek | a sweet tough-skinned melon. |
spartan | a crisp red-skinned eating apple of a variety originally bred in Canada to withstand cold winters. |
spiceberry | any of several plants having spicy edible berries. |
squash | the fruit of various marrow-like plants of the genus Cucurbita, with edible flesh; (verb) to press into pulp. |
starfruit | the fruit of the CARAMBOLA tree. |
strawberry | the fruit of any species of the rosaceous genus Fragaria. |
sturmer | a variety of dessert apple. [From Sturmer in Essex where it was developed]. |
sultana | a small, pale, seedless raisin. |
sunberry | a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. |
sweeting | a sweet apple; (arch.) a darling. |
sweetsop | a tropical American evergreen; its sweet fruit. |
tamarillo | the tree tomato > TAMARILLOS. |
tangelo | a hybrid between a tangerine orange and a POMELO > TANGELOS. |
tangerine | a mandarin orange, esp. a small, flattish, loose-skinned variety. |
tayberry | a hybrid plant, a blackberry crossed with a raspberry; the fruit of this plant. |
thimbleberry | any of several American raspberries or blackberries having thimble-shaped fruit. |
tomatillo | a plant of the nightshade family, native to Mexico > TOMATILLOES or TOMATILLOS. |
tomato | a S. American plant related to the potato, formerly called the love apple; its glossy red or yellow pulpy edible fruit > TOMATOES. |
tomatoey | resembling the tomato > TOMATOIER, TOMATOIEST. |
trebbiano | a grape used to make wine > TREBBIANOS. |
ume | (Japanese) a fleshy yellow fruit, similar to an apricot but having a sour flavour, used mainly to make drinks, preserves, and sauces > UMES. |
umeboshi | (Japanese) a pickled ume fruit > UMEBOSHIS. |
uva | a grape or grape-like berry > UVAE or UVAS. |
vinifera | a European grape. |
walnut | the nut of the walnut tree. |
wampee | an edible Asiatic fruit about the size of a large grape, with a hard yellow rind. [Chinese hwang-pi, yellow skin]. |
warden | a kind of pear used in cooking; (verb) to guard as a warden. |
watermelon | a type of melon. |
whimberry whinberry | the bilberry or whortleberry -- so called because it grows on moors among the whins, or furze. |
whort whortle whortleberry | a widely spread heath plant; its dark blue edible berry. |
wineberry | the red currant. |
winesap | a variety of apple. |
worcesterberry | a N American species of gooseberry. |
ya | a kind of Asian pear > YAS. |
youngberry | a large reddish-black fruit, a cross between a blackberry and a dewberry. |
yumberry | the purple-red edible fruit of an E. Indian tree. |
yuzu | a type of citrus fruit. |
zapotilla | see SAPODILLA. |