Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
acanthin | strontium sulphate in skeletons of Radiolaria. |
acritarch | any of a group of fossil one-celled marine organisms. |
ammolite | the fossilised shell of an ammonite. |
ammonite | a type of fossil. |
ammonitic | of or like an ammonite, a type of fossil. |
ammonoid | an ammonite. |
baculite | a fossil of the genus Baculites, allied to the ammonites, with a straight, tapering shell. |
belemnite | a fossil pointed like a dart, being the internal shell of a cephalopod mollusc. |
bioherm | a mound of material laid down by sedentary marine organisms, esp a coral reef. |
biostratigraphy | determination of age, etc., of sedimentary strata from fossils which they contain. |
blastoid | one of the Blastoidea, a group of budlike calcareous fossil echinoderms. |
bonebed | an area containing dinosaur fossils. |
calamite | a reedlike plant of an extinct group related to the horsetails, found as fossils chiefly of Carboniferous age. |
coccolith | a small rounded body found in chalk formations, consisting of microscopic plates secreted by extinct algal plankton. |
conodont | any of various Palaeozoic toothlike fossils of uncertain affinity. |
coprolite | fossilized excrement. |
coprolith | fossilized excrement. |
coprolitic | containing, pertaining to, or of the nature of, coprolites. |
crinite | a fossil crinoid. |
cystid | a kind of extinct echinoderm. |
cystidean | a cystoid, an extinct echinoderm. |
cystoid | a kind of extinct echinoderm. |
dinoceras | a uintathere, an animal of the genus Uintatherium, gigantic fossil ungulates. |
diprionidian | of graptolites, serrated on both sides. |
encrinal | relating to encrinites; containing encrinites, as certain kinds of limestone. |
encrinic | relating to encrinites; containing encrinites, as certain kinds of limestone. |
encrinital | of or like an encrinite, a fossil crinoid. |
encrinite | a fossil crinoid, esp one belonging to, or resembling, the genus Encrinus. |
encrinitic | of or like an encrinite, a fossil crinoid. |
fossil | the remains of an animal or plant preserved in the earth's crust. |
fossiliferous | bearing fossils. |
goniatite | one of an extinct genus of fossil cephalopods, allied to the Ammonites. |
goniatitoid | having the form of a goniatite; (noun) a fossil like a goniatite. |
graptolite | a characteristic Silurian fossil with an appearance almost like writing upon shales. |
graptolitic | related to a graptolite. |
hippurite | a Cretaceous fossil lamellibranch with one conical valve and one flat one. |
hippuritic | of or like a hippurite, a cone-shaped fossil bivalve mollusc. |
hominid | pertaining to a fossil apeman; (noun) a fossil apeman. |
ichnite | a fossil footprint. |
ichnofossil | a fossil footprint. |
ichnolite | a fossil footprint. |
ichnology | a branch of paleontology dealing with the study of fossilized footprints, tracks, traces, etc. |
ichthyodorulite | a fossilised fish-spine. |
ichthyodorylite | a fossilised fish-spine. |
ichthyolite | a fossil fish. |
ichthyolitic | of or like an ichthyolite, a fossil fish. |
macrofossil | a fossil large enough to be seen with the naked eye. |
microfossil | a very small fossil. |
mosasaur | a gigantic Cretaceous fossil pythonomorph reptile. |
nonfossil | not fossil. |
nummuline | esp. of limestone, containing or consisting of nummulites. |
nummulite | a fossil of the genus Nummulites and allied genera. |
nummulitic | of, like, composed of, containing, nummulites; as, nummulitic beds. |
odontolite | a fossil bone or tooth coloured blue with phosphate of iron, aka bone-turquoise. |
ornithichnite | a fossil footprint of a bird. |
palaeontology | the study of fossils. |
paleontologic | relating to paleontology. |
paleontological | relating to paleontology. |
paleontology | the study of fossils. |
reliquiae | (Lat.) remains, esp fossil. |
remanie | (Fr.) a fossil or other relic of an older rock preserved in a later deposit. |
serpulite | a fossil serpula shell. |
stigmarian | the pitted underground part of Sigillaria or other fossil tree. |
subfossil | part of a fossil. |
taphonomic | relating to taphonomy. |
taphonomical | relating to taphonomy. |
taphonomist | an expert or specialist in taphonomy. |
taphonomy | the study or science of how plants and animals die, decay and become buried and fossilized. |
tentaculite | a ringed conical Silurian fossil. |
terebratula | a member of Terebratula, the lampshell genus of brachiopods, with perforated beak. |
trilobite | any one of numerous species of extinct arthropods belonging to the order Trilobita. |
trilobitic | of, pertaining to or containing, trilobites; as, trilobitic rocks. |
trochite | a wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid. |
uintathere | any animal of the genus Uintatherium, gigantic fossil ungulates. |
unfossilised | not fossilised. |
unfossilized | not fossilized. |
zoolite | a fossil animal. |
zoolith | a fossil animal. |
zoolithic | of or like a zoolite, a fossil animal. |
zoolitic | of or like a zoolite, a fossil animal. |