Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Botany > Fruits & Seeds

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

acarpous sterile; not bearing fruit.
achaenium a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed.
achaenocarp any dry indehiscent fruit.
achene a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed.
achenial pertaining to an achene, a small one-seeded fruit.
achenium a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed.
achiote (Nahuatl) the seeds of the annatto tree.
acinar relating to an acinus, a berry which grows in clusters.
acinic relating to an acinus, a berry which grows in clusters.
aciniform shaped like cluster of grapes.
acinose containing small seeds or drupes.
acinous containing small seeds or drupes.
acinus (Lat.) a berry which grows in clusters.
acrospire the first real shoot developing in a germinating grain seed.
aecidial relating to an aecidium, a cup-shaped fructification in rust fungi.
aecidium (Lat.) a cup-shaped fructification in rust fungi.
aecium (Lat.) a cup-shaped fructification in rust fungi.
akene a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed.
akenial of or like an akene, a naked seed.
ala an outgrowth on a fruit.
allocarpy fruiting after cross-fertilization.
anatropy the state of being anatropous, having the ovule inverted at an early period in its development.
andromonoecious having hermaphrodite and male flowers on the same plant.
anthocarp a fruit resulting from many flowers, such as a pineapple.
anthocarpous of or like an anthocarp, a fruit resulting from many flowers, such as a pineapple.
aril an additional envelope, often fleshy, developed around the seed in certain plants (eg yew).
ariled having an aril, a protective seed-coat.
arillary having an aril, a protective seed-coat.
arillate having an aril, a protective seed-coat.
arillated having an aril, a protective seed-coat.
arilloid like an aril, a protective seed-coat.
arillus (Lat.) an additional envelope, often fleshy, developed around the seed in certain plants (eg yew).
ashkey the winged fruit of the ash.
autocarp a fruit produced by self-fertilization.
bacca (Lat.) a berry.
bacciferous bearing berries.
basidiocarp the fruiting body of basidiomycetous fungi; the mushroom of agarics
beechmast the nuts of a beech tree.
beechnut the nut of the beech tree.
berry a fleshy fruit which has no stony layer and usually contains many seeds; (verb) to collect berries.
berryfruit a fruit in the form of a berry.
berryless without berries.
berrylike like a berry.
bonduc (Arabic) the seed of a tropical leguminous tree, aka nicker or nickar.
bur a kind of adhesive seed, as that of burdock.
burlike like a bur.
cacoon the large seed of a tropical climber of the mimosa family.
carpological related to carpology.
carpologist a student of carpology, the study of fruits and seeds.
carpology the study of fruits and seeds.
caryopsis (Greek) a dry indehiscent fruit characteristic of grasses.
catface a deformity of fruit.
catfacing a deformity of fruit.
chalaza (Lat.) the base of the ovule.
chalazal of or pertaining to the chalaza, the base of the ovule.
chalazogamic relating to chalazogamy, the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza.
chalazogamy the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza, as opposed to porogamy.
checkerberry the fruit of various American plants, esp the wintergreen.
cleistogamic relating to cleistogamy, the production of small inconspicuous closed self-pollinating flowers additional to and often more fruitful than showier ones on the same plant.
cleistogamous relating to cleistogamy, the production of small inconspicuous closed self-pollinating flowers additional to and often more fruitful than showier ones on the same plant.
cleistogamously (Adv.) CLEISTOGAMOUS, relaing to cleistogamy.
coccal of or like a coccus, one of the separable carpels of a dry fruit.
coccic of or like a coccus, one of the separable carpels of a dry fruit.
coccus (Lat.) one of the separable carpels of a dry fruit.
comose of seeds etc. hairy, downy.
comous of seeds etc. hairy, downy.
conceptacle (Obs.) a receptacle, a reproductive cavity.
cone the typical flower (or fruit) or inflorescence of the Coniferae; (verb) to bear cones.
coniferous bearing cones.
conker a horse-chestnut.
cottonseed the seed of the cotton plant, yielding a valuable oil.
coumarou (Tupi) the seed of a tropical tree, aka tonka bean.
cremocarp the characteristic fruit of the Umbelliferae.
cupule a cup-shaped structure on the fruit of some trees, eg oak, beech, chestnut.
cypsela (Lat.) the fruit of members of the daisy family.
cystocarp the fructification in red seaweeds.
cystocarpic relating to a cystocarp.
dicot (Short for) a dicotyledon, a plant having two cotyledons, seed-leaves.
dicotyl (Short for) a dicotyledon, a plant having two cotyledons, seed-leaves.
dicotyledon a plant having two cotyledons, seed-leaves.
dicotyledonous of or like a dicotyledon.
dispermous having two seeds.
dividivi (Carib) the curved pods of a small tropical American tree, used for tanning and dyeing.
drupe a fleshy fruit in which the seed is encased within a hard stony layer.
drupel a little drupe, forming part of a fruit.
drupelet a little drupe, forming part of a fruit.
ektexine an outer layer of the exine, the tough outer wall of a pollen grain.
endexine an inner layer of the exine, the tough outer wall of a pollen grain.
endocarp the inner layer of a ripened or fructified ovary.
endocarpal relating to an endocarp.
endocarpic relating to an endocarp.
endopleura the inner coating of a seed.
endosperm in a seed, nutritive tissue formed from the embryo-sac.
endospermic relating to the endosperm.
endozoic having seeds dispersed by animals that swallow them.
entomophily seed plants which are pollinated by insects are said to be entomophilous.
entozoal having seeds dispersed by animals that swallow them.
entozoic having seeds dispersed by animals that swallow them.
epicarp the external or outermost layer of a fructified or ripened ovary.
episperm the skin or coat of a seed, esp the outer coat.
etaerio an aggregated fruit, a group of achenes or drupels.
exine the tough outer wall of a pollen grain.
exocarp the outer portion of a fruit, as the flesh of a peach or the rind of an orange.
extine the tough outer wall of a pollen grain.
flaxseed the seed of the flax, aka linseed.
follicle a fruit which develops from a single ovary, dries out on ripening and splits on one side only to release its fruit.
folliculated having follicles.
folliculous like a follicle.
fructuation coming to fruit or bearing of fruit.
fruitage fruit collectively.
fruitlet a small fruit.
fruitlike like a fruit.
geocarpic of fruit, ripening underground.
geocarpy the production or ripening of fruit underground.
grapeseed the seed of the vine.
grapestone a seed of the grape.
gumnut the woody fruit of the eucalyptus.
gymnospermous having a naked seed.
gymnospermy the state of being gymnospermous, having a naked seed.
hapaxanthic monocarpous.
hapaxanthous monocarpous.
hempseed the seed of hemp.
heterocarpous bearing fruit of more than kind.
hilar belonging to the hilum, a mark where seed was attached to its stalk.
hymenophore the fruiting body of some basidiomycetous fungi.
hypanthial of or like a hypanthium.
hypanthium a fruit consisting in large part of a receptacle, enlarged below the calyx, as in the rose hip and the pear.
hypogeous growing under ground; remaining under ground; ripening its fruit under ground, like a truffle.
ignatia a medicinal seed.
jarina the hard seed of a palm tree.
kernel a seed with a hard shell (verb) to form kernels
kernelly full of kernels; resembling a kernel.
legumin a globulin obtained from peas, beans, lentils, etc.
leguminous relating to pulse vegetables.
loculament the cell of a pericarp in which the seed is lodged.
loment a pod that breaks in pieces at constrictions between the seeds.
lomentum (Lat.) the pod of certain leguminous plants, such as pea or bean.
mastful abounding in mast; producing mast in abundance.
mawseed the seed of the opium poppy.
mericarp one carpel of an umbelliferous fruit.
mesocarp the middle layer of a pericarp which consists of three distinct or dissimilar layers.
monkeypot the round-lidded outer shell of the sapucaia nut.
monocarpic having only one ovary; producing one fruit.
monocarpous having only one ovary; producing one fruit.
monogerm of a fruit that produces a single plant.
monospermal producing only one seed.
monospermous producing only one seed.
monothalamic of fruit, formed from a single flower.
multigerm producing or being a fruit cluster capable of giving rise to several plants.
nickar the round seed of a tropical tree, used for playing marbles.
nuciferous nut-bearing.
pappus (Lat.) a downy tuft on a plant seed.
parthenocarpic relating to parthenocarpy.
parthenocarpous relating to parthenocarpy.
parthenocarpy fruit production without fertilization.
pectic of, relating to, or derived from pectin.
pectin a mixture of carbohydrates found in the cell walls of fruits, used for the setting of jams and jellies.
pectinous of or like pectin.
pectose a pectin-yielding substance contained in the fleshy pulp of unripe fruit.
peepe (Shakesp.) a pip.
pericarp the ripened ovary; the walls of a fruit.
pericarpial relating to the pericarp.
pericarpic relating to the pericarp.
perithecial related to a perithecium, a small fruiting body containing ascospores.
pinecone a cone-shaped fruit of a pine tree.
pipless without pips.
pollinator an agent that pollinates.
pomiculture the growing of fruit.
pomological relating to pomology.
pomologically (Adv.) POMOLOGICAL, relating to pomology.
pomology the study of fruit-growing.
porogamic relating to porogamy, the fertilization of seed plants by the entry of a pollen-tube through the micropyle.
porogamy the fertilization of seed plants by the entry of a pollen-tube through the micropyle.
pseudocarp that portion of an anthocarpous fruit which is not derived from the ovary, as the soft part of a strawberry or of a fig.
pseudocarpous of or like a pseudocarp.
psyllium (Lat.) the seed of a fleawort.
pumpkinseed the seed of the pumpkin.
putamen (Lat.) a fruit stone; a membrane lining an eggshell.
pyrene a fruit-stone.
pyrenocarp a perithecium, a small fruiting body containing ascospores.
rapeseed the seed of rape, from which an oil is expressed.
regma (Greek) a dry fruit formed of three or more cells which break open when ripe.
replum (Lat.) a partition in a fruit formed by ingrowth of the placentas, as in Cruciferae.
rine (Spenser) rind.
rowanberry the berry of the rowan.
samara (Lat.) a propeller-like winged fruit, as of ash, elm or maple.
sarcocarp the fleshy part of a stone fruit.
schizocarp a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones, eg the winged seed pod of maple trees.
schizocarpic of or like a schizocarp, a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones.
schizocarpous of or like a schizocarp, a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones.
secundine the second of the two integuments of an ovule.
seed a multicellular structure by which flowering plants reproduce (verb) to plant seeds in
seedcase the protective outer covering of a seed.
seedlike resembling a seed.
seedling a young plant.
seedpod a type of seed vessel.
sexlocular having six cells for seeds; as, a sexlocular pericarp.
silicle a seed vessel resembling a silique, but about as broad as it is long.
silicula (Lat.) a seed vessel resembling a silique, but about as broad as it is long.
silicule a seed vessel resembling a silique, but about as broad as it is long.
siliculose pertaining to, or resembling, silicles.
siliqua (Lat.) a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
siliquaceous of or like a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
silique (Lat.) a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
siliquose relating to a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
siliquous relating to a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
siphonogam a plant reproducing by seed.
sorosis (Greek) a fleshy fruit in which many flowers are united, as in pineapple.
spermatophyte a seed plant.
spermatophytic of or like a spermatophyte, a seed plant.
strobil (Greek) a scaly spike of female flowers, as in the hop.
strobile (Greek) a scaly spike of female flowers, as in the hop.
strobiline of or pertaining to a strobile.
strobiloid like a strobile, a scaly multiple fruit resulting from the ripening of an ament in certain plants.
strobilus (Greek) a scaly spike of female flowers, as in the hop.
syconium (Greek) a form of fruit with ovaries on an enlarged receptacle.
syncarp a fleshy fruit developing from several carpels.
syncarpous bearing syncarps, fleshy fruit developing from several carpels.
synergid one of two small cells lying near the egg in the mature embryo of a seed plant.
tegmen (Lat.) the inner covering of a seed.
tegminal relating to a tegmen, the inner covering of a seed.
tegumen (Lat.) the inner covering of a seed.
testa (Lat.) the hard external covering of a seed.
tetrarchic having four xylem strands.
tickseed a seed or fruit resembling in shape an insect, as that of certain plants.
tryma (Greek) a kind of nutlike fruit, such as walnut.
vernalise to cause (plants) to come to early maturity, esp by chilling seeds, bulbs etc.
vernalization subjecting seeds to low temperatures to hasten plant development.
vernalize to cause (plants) to come to early maturity, esp by chilling seeds, bulbs etc.
waxberry the wax-covered fruit of the wax myrtle, or bayberry.
xenia the effect on a hybrid strain produced by transferring pollen from one strain to the seed of another strain.
xerochasy dehiscence on drying.
xylocarp a hard and woody fruit.