Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
bevel | a slant or inclination of a surface; (verb) to form so as to have a bevel or slant. |
bevelment | the process of bevelling. |
boiserie | (Fr.) wood panelling on a wall. |
boullework | a type of wood surface decoration. |
buhlwork | (Fr.) a form of marquetry with eg gold and silver inlaid in tortoiseshell. |
cabinetry | cabinetwork. |
cabinetwork | finished woodwork made by a cabinetmaker. |
chamfer | to channel or make furrows upon; to bevel. |
chamferer | one who chamfers. |
chippie | (Coll.) a carpenter. |
dovetail | a tenon shaped like a dove's spread tail, for fastening boards; (verb) to make a certain type of joint in carpentry. |
dowel | a wooden peg used in carpentry; (verb) to join with dowels. |
drawbore | a hole bored through a tenon to draw parts together. |
ebeniste | (Fr.) a cabinetmaker. |
ebonist | one who works in ebony. |
featheredge | an edge of a board or plank thinner than the other edge; (verb) to provide with feathered edge. |
fretty | adorned with fretwork. |
fretwork | ornamental work consisting of a combination of frets; perforated woodwork. |
giltwood | made of wood and covered with gilt. No -S. |
intarsia | (Ital.) a form of decorative wood inlay work. |
jigsaw | a narrow saw for cutting awkward shapes; (verb) to saw with a jigsaw. |
joinery | the art of the joiner. |
marqueterie | (Fr.) furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal. |
marquetry | furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal. |
menuisier | (Fr.) a joiner. |
miter | (US) a high, pointed headdress, cleft crosswise on top and with two ribbons hanging from the back, worn by archbishops and bishops; (verb) to join with a miter joint. |
miterer | one that miters. |
monoxylous | made of one piece of wood. |
mortice | a hole or recess made in wood to receive a tenon; (verb) to cut a mortice in. |
morticer | one who makes mortice joints. |
mortise | a hole or recess made in wood to receive a tenon; (verb) to cut a mortise in. |
mortiser | one who makes mortise joints. |
nulling | knurled work in woodcarving. |
purfler | one who purfles. |
rabbet | a groove cut to receive an edge; (verb) to join by a rabbet. |
repro | (Short for) reproduction, a piece of reproduction furniture. |
scarfer | one who scarfs, joins by scarfing. |
swashwork | a woodturner's work cut obliquely. |
sypher | of boards, to join edge to edge or overlap to form a level surface. |
tarsia | (Ital.) a form of decorative wood inlay work, developed in Italy. |
tenon | projecting part of joint for inserting into mortise; (verb) to fix or fit with a tenon. |
tenoner | one who tenons. |
treen | made of wood; (noun) cups, dishes etc made of wood. |
treenware | cups, dishes etc. made of wood. |
turnery | the art of turning in a lathe. |
veneer | to overlay or face (coarse wood, etc) with a thin sheet of fine wood or other material. |
whittler | one who whittles. |
willowware | goods eg baskets made of willow. |
windshake | a flaw in wood said to be due to the bending of the tree in the wind. |
woodcarving | the art of carving in wood. |
woodenware | ware made of wood. |
woodwork | work made of wood. |
xylopyrography | engraving designs on wood with hot poker. |