Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
basketweave | a form of weaving using two or more strands in the warp and weft. |
broadloom | woven on a wide loom; (noun) a broadloom carpet. |
catalogne | (Canadian) a kind of weaving using rags as the weft and widely spaced threads as the warp. |
charka | (Urdu) a spinning wheel used in Indian households for spinning cotton. |
charkha | (Urdu) a spinning wheel used in Indian households for spinning cotton. |
handloom | a manually operated loom. |
handwoven | woven by hand. |
heald | (Obs.) to heel, incline on one side. |
heddle | one of a set of parallel wires in a loom to separate and guide warp threads and make a path for the shuttle; (verb) to draw through heddle eyes. |
interweave | to weave together. |
interweaver | one who interweaves. |
inweave | to weave in, interweave. |
overshot | a type of fabric weave. |
reweave | to weave again. |
sleided | (Shakesp.) apparently, an irregular form of sleaved. |
sley | a weaver's reed. |
slub | to twist fibre after carding to prepare it for spinning. |
slubb | a lump in yarn (verb) to twist fibre after carding to prepare it for spinning |
spinner | one that spins. |
spinnery | a spinning factory or establishment. |
stevengraph | a silk picture woven in colours. |
stockinger | a stocking weaver. |
tapstry | a taproom in a public house. |
textorial | (Arch.) of or pertaining to weaving. |
wabster | (Scots) a weaver. |
weave | to form by interlacing threads. |
webster | (Obs.) a weaver. |
weft | the threads woven into and crossing the warp; (verb) to form a weft. |
weftage | texture. |
wharve | a disc on the lower part of a spindle serving as a flywheel. |
wherve | a disc on the lower part of a spindle serving as a flywheel. |
windle | an appliance for winding yarn; (verb) to wind yarn on this. |
winnle | (Scots) an appliance for winding yarn. |
woofy | dense in texture. |