Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Arts & Crafts > Printing

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

anastatic pertaining to a process or a style of printing from characters in relief on zinc plates.
aquatone a type of printing process.
autogravure a process of photo-engraving similar to autotype.
autotypography a process by which drawings made on gelatine are transferred to a plate from which impressions may be taken.
backlist books previously published which a publisher keeps in print; (verb) to place on a backlist.
benday a method of tint production in lithography; (verb) to reproduce by transferring lines or dots from gelatin sheets.
bibliopegic relating to bibliopegy, the art of binding books.
bibliopegist a bookbinder.
bibliopegy the art of binding books.
boilerplate syndicated material supplied esp to weekly newspapers in matrix or plate form; (verb) to print as a boilerplate.
boldface boldfaced type; (verb) to make type bold.
booklet a small book.
bookplate a label usually pasted inside the cover of a book, bearing the owner's name or other distinguishing information.
bookwork work done upon a book or books (as in a printing office), in distinction from newspaper or job work.
brayer an instrument for spreading ink in printing.
brochure a pamphlet, information or publicity booklet.
bullet a little ball; a projectile, now esp a round or conical one fired from any kind of small arm; (verb) to mark with a bullet-point.
cachet (Fr.) a seal of approval; a mark of prestige; (verb) to print a design on an envelope.
callout an inset in a printed article.
casebound of a book, bound in stiff covers.
caseman a compositor.
cerographic relating to cerography, writing or printing on plates spread with wax.
cerographical relating to cerography, writing or printing on plates spread with wax.
cerography writing or printing on plates spread with wax.
chemitype any chemical process for obtaining impressions from an engraving.
chemitypy printing by chemitype, any chemical process for obtaining impressions from an engraving.
chromo (Short for) a chromolithograph.
chromotype a sheet printed in colors by any process, as a chromolithograph.
chromoxylograph a picture printed in colours from wooden blocks.
clarendon a form of condensed roman type having a heavy face.
clicker the compositor who distributes the copy among a companionship of printers.
collotype a method of printing illustrations from hardened gelatin film.
collotypic relating to a collotype, a method of printing illustrations from hardened gelatin film.
collotypy printing by collotype, a method of printing illustrations from hardened gelatin film.
comp (Coll.) a compositor; (verb) to work as a compositor.
compositorial relating to the composition of type.
comprint to share in printing of the former privilege shared with the Stationers' Company and the King's Printer by Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
copperplate an engraved or etched copper printing plate.
copyread (US) to subedit.
corrigendum an error in a printed work discovered after printing and shown with its correction on a separate sheet.
counterproof an inverted impression obtained from a newly printed proof of an engraving, by laying it, while the ink is still wet, upon plain paper, and passing it through the press.
creamwove of woven paper, cream or white in colour.
deckel a frame used in making paper by hand.
deckle a frame used in making paper by hand.
deckled deckle-edged.
dele in printing, to delete.
egyptian a kind of typeface.
electro (Short for) electrotype (verb) to make a metallic copy of a page of print by printing
electrotint a printing block produced by drawing with varnish on a metal plate, and depositing metal electrically on the parts not covered.
electrotype to make a copy of something by electrolytically coating a mould with copper.
electrotypy printing by electrotype.
emdash a typographical dash.
endash a typographical dash.
endleaf an endpaper.
enfacement the act of enfacing, printing on the face of a bill etc.
epigraphy the study of ancient inscriptions; inscriptions collectively.
erratum (Lat.) an error in writing or printing.
excudit (Lat.) he or she struck, hammered, forged or printed this.
extrabold a very bold typeface.
feint the faint ruled lines on some stationery; (adj.) ruled in feint (verb) to make a feint
filmset to set by a process of typesetting.
filmsetting setting by a process of typesetting.
flexo (Shor for) flexography, a method of rotary letterpress printing.
flexographic relating to flexography.
flexography a method of rotary letterpress printing using a resilient printing plate and solvent-based ink, used characteristically for printing on metal foil or plastic.
flyhand a device for transferring printed sheets from the presses to a flat pile.
flyleaf a blank leaf at the beginning or end of a book.
foldout a large page, eg a diagram, folded to fit into a book.
folio a leaf (two back-to-back pages) of a book; (verb) to number the leaves or pages of.
fontlet a little font.
forme metal type and blocks from which an impression is to be made, assembled and secured in a chase or frame ready for printing.
fractur (Ger.) a German style of black letter, the normal type used for printing German from the 16th to the mid 20th century.
fraktur (Ger.) a German style of black letter, the normal type used for printing German from the 16th to the mid 20th cent.
frisket the light frame which holds the sheet of paper to the tympan in printing.
frontispiece an illustration at the front of a book facing the title-page; (verb) to provide with a frontispiece.
gatefold an oversized page in a book.
gazette an official newspaper containing lists of government appointments; (verb) to publish in a gazette.
gothic lurid, macabre (noun) a style of printing
gothically (Adv.) GOTHIC, lurid, macabre.
gravure any process of making an intaglio printing plate.
grayscale in shades of grey.
handpress a press operated by hand.
hardback a hardcover book.
hardbacked of a book, having hard covers.
hardbound bound in hard covers; (noun) a book bound in hard covers.
hardcover a book in hard covers, as opposed to a paperback.
headstick in printing, a straight piece of furniture placed at the head of a form.
illustrated an illustrated magazine.
imprimatur (Lat.) a license to print or publish, esp one issued by a censor of the Roman Catholic Church.
incunable a book printed from movable type before 1501.
incunabulum (Lat.) a book printed from movable type before 1501.
incut set in as if by cutting; in printing, inserted in spaces in the text; (noun) in rock climbing, an indent cut into the face of the rock which can be used as a handhold or foothold.
indention a blank space left at the beginning of a line.
insetter a person who or thing which insets pages etc.
interleaf a leaf inserted between other leaves; a blank leaf inserted, as in a book.
interline to write or insert between lines already written or printed, as for correction or addition.
interpage to print or insert on intermediate pages.
ionic a style of type.
kettlestitch a stitch made at head and tail of section of book to connect sections.
keyline an outline showing the shape and position of an illustration.
letterpress the process of printing from an inked raised surface esp when the paper is impressed directly upon the surface.
letterset a method of rotary printing.
lightface a typeface having comparatively light thin lines.
lightfaced in a typeface having comparatively light thin lines.
linecasting the casting of metal type in lines.
linecut a type of printing plate.
linocut a design cut in relief on linoleum.
linotype (Tradename) a brand of typesetting machine; (verb) to set a line of type using a linotype machine.
linotyper one who sets type using linotype.
literal to be taken as read (noun) a misprint, a typographical error
literally (Adv.) LITERAL, to be taken as read.
litho (Short for) lithograph (verb) to make a lithograph
lithograph a print produced by lithography; (verb) to produce by lithography.
lithographer one who produces lithographs.
lithographic relating to lithography.
lithographical relating to lithography.
lithography the process of printing from a plane surface, as a smooth stone or metal plate, on which the image to be printed is ink-receptive and the blank area ink-repellent.
lithoprint a print made by lithography.
lithotype an etched stone surface for printing a design in relief; an imprint made from it.
logographic relating to logography, a method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used.
logographical relating to logography, a method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used.
logographically (Adv.) LOGOGRAPHICAL, relating to logography, a method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used.
logography a method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used.
mackle a blurred or double impression in printing; (verb) to print imperfectly, blur.
makeready the preparation of a letterpress sheet for printing, so as to obtain evenness of impression.
microcard a card representing some 200 or more pages of a book in microscopic print.
microform a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
micropublisher one who publishes in microform, a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
mispage to page incorrectly.
monoprint a single print taken from a design created in oil paint or printing ink on glass.
monospaced single-spaced.
newsletter a small publication (as a leaflet or newspaper) containing news of interest chiefly to a special group.
newsprint inexpensive paper for printing newspapers on.
nonbook not in book form; (noun) a work not in book form.
nonprint not print.
nonprinting not printing.
outsert a folded sheet placed round a folded section of printed matter.
overmatter overset type matter, i.e. text that has been set but cannot be printed due to lack of space.
overprint to print over something already printed.
paginal of or relating to pages or pagination.
paginate to number the pages of.
palaeotype a 19C phonetic adaptation of ordinary alphabetical type.
palaeotypic of or like a palaeotype, a 19c phonetic adaptation of ordinary alphabetical type.
pamphlet a small unbound printed work; (verb) to circulate pamphlets to.
paperback a book with a flexible paper cover; (verb) to bring out in paperback.
pastedown the outer leaf of an endcover that is pasted down over a book.
pasteup a draft of a printed page including text, graphics etc.
perfector a machine for perfecting, printing both sides at once.
phat susceptible of easy and rapid typesetting.
phonotype printing type for a phonetic alphabet; (verb) to print in phonotype.
phonotyper one who phonotypes, prints in phonotype.
phonotypic of or like a phonotype, a printing type of phonetic alphabet.
phonotypical of or like a phonotype, a printing type of phonetic alphabet.
photocompose to set (as reading matter) by photocomposition.
photocomposer one who photocomposes.
photogelatine another name for collotype, a method of printing illustrations from hardened gelatin film.
photogravure printing from engraved plates photographically prepared.
photolitho (Short for) a photolithograph.
photoset to compose (matter) by projecting film from which a printing plate is made.
photosetter an apparatus for photosetting.
photosetting composing (matter) by projecting film from which a printing plate is made.
phototype a plate or block with a printing surface (usually in relief) obtained from a photograph; (verb) to print by this means.
phototypeset to set (type matter) by phototypesetting.
phototypic of or pertaining to a phototype or phototypy.
phototypically (Adv.) PHOTOTYPIC, of or pertaining to a phototype or PHOTOTYPY.
phototypography any printing process involving the use of photography.
pical resembling a pica, a size of type.
platen the part of a printing press which presses the paper against the type and by which the impression is made.
polytype a cast, or facsimile copy, of an engraved block, matter in type, etc; (noun) to produce by use of a polytype.
postal relating to post (noun) a postcard issued by the Post Office with a printed stamp
postally (Adv.) POSTAL, relating to post.
prent (Scots) to print.
preprint to print beforehand.
pressmark a mark on a book to show its location in a library.
pressrun a continuous operation of a printing press.
presswork the operation of a printing press; printed matter.
print to produce by pressed type on a surface.
printable that can be printed.
printer one that prints.
printery a printing house.
printhead the part of a printer that does the work of printing.
printmaker an artist who makes prints.
printworks a place where printing is carried out.
proofer one who proofs.
pullout a section of a magazine, etc that can be removed and kept separately.
quadrat a small square area or block, esp used as space in printing.
remarque (Fr.) a mark made in the margin of an engraving indicating a stage of development prior to completion.
remarqued bearing a remarque, a mark made in the margin of an engraving indicating a stage of development prior to completion.
reprint something printed again; (verb) to print again.
reprographic relating to reprography, the reproduction of graphic or typeset material.
reprography the reproduction of graphic or typeset material.
roto (Short for) rotogravure, a type of printing process.
rotogravure an intaglio printing process by which imagery is transferred from a copper cylinder to a web of paper, plastic or similar material in a rotary press.
rounce part of a hand-printing press.
semibold a typeface between medium and bold.
semisolus an advertisement on the same page as another advertisement but not adjacent to it.
separatum (Lat.) a separate offprint.
serigraph a silkscreen print.
serigrapher one who makes serigraphs, silkscreen prints.
serigraphic relating to serigraphy.
serigraphy the making of silkscreen prints.
sheetfed fed with sheets, eg a printer.
silkscreen a print produced by the silkscreen process; (verb) to print via the screen process.
slipcased contained in a slipcase.
slipout an insert in a newspaper.
smoot (Sl.) a compositor who does odd jobs in various printing houses; (verb) to work in this way.
softback a paperback book.
softbound bound in soft covers; (noun) a book bound in soft covers.
softcover a paperback book.
spaceband a wedge for justifying the line in mediaeval typesetting.
stenochrome a print by stenochromy, printing in several colours at one printing.
stenochromy printing in several colours at one printing.
stereo stereophonic reproduction of sound; (verb) to make a type of printing plate.
stereotype a fixed conventionalized or stock image; (verb) to make a stereotype of.
stonecut a print made from an image engraved on a stone.
stonehand in printing, an imposer, a person whose sets the type in a chase.
stylebook a book of rules for printers and editors.
supertitle a surtitle, a printed translation of the libretto of an opera in a language foreign to the audience.
surprint to print over something already printed.
tearsheet a page in a magazine perforated to facilitate its removal.
teletypesetting typesetting by use of a Teletypesetter.
ternion a triad; a section of a book with three double leaves.
thermography a process of writing or printing involving the use of heat.
typecase a tray with compartments for storing printing type.
typeface the face of printing type.
typefounding the casting of printers' type.
typeset to set in type.
typesetter one whose job is to set type.
typestyle a style of type.
typograph to produce stamps by letterpress.
typographer one who designs type.
typographia matter relating to printing or printers.
typographic relating to typography, the art of printing or using type.
typographical relating to typography, the art of printing or using type.
typographically (Adv.) TYPOGRAPHIC, relating to typography, the art of printing or using type.
typography the art of printing or using type.
upmake the action of making up; galley proofs arranged in page mode.
upmaker one who makes up galley proofs arranged in page mode.
upmaking the process of making up galley proofs arranged in page mode.
verso (Lat.) the reverse, or left-hand, page of a book or a folded sheet of paper.
watermark a distinguishing mark in paper; (verb) to mark with a watermark.
webfed designed to print a continuous roll of paper.
wirewove designating a very fine quality of writing paper.
woodburytype a photomechanical process in which an exposed and developed bichromated film is forced into a metal plate by great pressure, and so forms a matrix for subsequent printing.
woodcut a design cut in relief on a block of wood.
woodprint a design cut in relief on a block of wood.
wordage words generally, text as opposed to pictures.
wordbreak point of division in a word that runs onto the next line.
xylograph an engraving on wood, or the impression from such an engraving; a print by xylography; (verb) to copy by xylograph.
xylotypographic relating to, or printed from, wooden type.
xylotypography printing from wooden type.
zincograph a plate or picture produced by zincography.
zincographic relating to zincography, an engraving process in which zinc is covered with wax and etched.
zincographical relating to zincography, an engraving process in which zinc is covered with wax and etched.
zincography an engraving process in which zinc is covered with wax and etched.