Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Arts & Crafts > Other Crafts

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

anaglyptic relating to the art of carving, enchasing, or embossing in low relief.
artistical characteristic of art.
basketry the art of making baskets; also, baskets, taken collectively.
basketwork objects produced by basketry.
batik (Malay) an Indonesian method of producing designs on cloth; (verb) to produce designs on cloth by batik.
battik (Malay) an Indonesian method of producing designs on cloth.
beader one who makes things with beads.
beadwork decorative work done with beads.
biomorph a representation of a living thing as decoration.
bocage (Fr.) a decorative representation of trees, leaves, etc.
bootmaking the craft of making boots.
cagework open work like the bars of a cage.
camaieu (Fr.) a cameo.
campanology the art of bell ringing.
caneware articles made from cane.
ceroplastic relating to wax modelling.
ceroplastics the craft of wax modelling.
cerotype an electrotyping surface.
chantilly (Fr.) as in chantilly lace, a type of ornamental lace. No -S.
chinoiserie (Fr.) decoration, furniture etc. imitating Chinese design.
cloisonnage cloisonné work or process.
couture (Fr.) the design and making of fashionable garments, esp French ones.
craftwork creative artistic activity involving construction, carving, weaving, sewing, etc.
cyanotype a blueprint.
cymagraph an instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings.
cymograph an instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings.
cymographic relating to a cymograph.
daedal ingenious and cunningly designed.
daedalic ingenious and cunningly designed.
deboss to impress a design into.
deco a style of decorative art characteristic of the 1920s and 1930s (adj.) relating to this style.
dendroglyph an ancient carving on a tree.
devore (Fr.) velvet or satin having a design etched with acid.
distelfink (Dutch) a traditional Pennsylvanian Dutch design motif in the form of a stylised bird.
doublure (Fr.) an ornamental lining on the inside of a book, of leather or vellum.
eburnification the art of making like ivory.
empaestic pertaining to the art of embossing.
enchaser one who enchases.
enfleurage exposure of oils to scent of fresh flowers in perfume-making.
fecit (Lat.) he or she made this.
finespun developed with extreme care.
floral relating to flowers (noun) a design featuring flowers
florally (Adv.) FLORAL, relating to flowers.
flushwork decorative treatment of the surface of an outside wall with flints split to show their smooth black surface.
frottage (Fr.) rubbing eg in art or for sexual gratification.
graniteware goods made from granite.
gul a design used in oriental carpets.
handcraft handicraft; (verb) to fashion by hand.
handworked crafted by hand.
homecraft a craft practised at home.
horseshoer one who shoes horses.
housecraft the craft of looking after a house.
iconological relating to iconology.
iconologist a student of iconology.
iconology a branch of art history dealing with iconic representations.
ikat (Malay) a technique of dyeing yarn and tying it, thus giving geometric patterns.
ikebana (Japanese) the art of formal flower arrangement.
inlayer one who inlays.
inwrought wrought or worked in or among other things.
japan a glossy black varnish or lacquer; (verb) to lacquer with japan.
japonaiserie (Fr.) art or craft in the Japanese style.
kitsch (Ger.) trash; sentimental popular art.
kitschily (Adv.) KITSCHY, having the quality of kitsch.
kitschness the state of being kitsch.
kitschy having the quality of kitsch, trashy.
knotwork ornamental work done with knots; carving or decoration in interlaced forms.
koru (Maori) a stylized curved pattern used esp in carving.
lacework a delicate openwork fabric.
lacquerer one who lacquers.
lacquerware craft goods made from lacquer.
lacquerwork craftwork in lacquer.
lapwork work in which one part laps over another.
lifework the work to which one's life is given.
macrame (Turkish) a fringe or trimming of knotted thread.
macrami (Turkish) a fringe or trimming of knotted thread.
maquette (Fr.) a small model of something to be made on a larger scale.
mehndi (Hindi) in India, the practice of painting designs on the hands, feet etc using henna.
modeler one who models; hence, a worker in plastic art.
modeller one who models; hence, a worker in plastic art.
mola (Cuna) a brightly-coloured applique or embroidered panel made by Cuna Indian women of Panama.
montage (Fr.) a composite photo or picture; (verb) to make a montage, to set in a montage.
moresque an arabesque.
mosaic the fitting together in a design of small pieces of coloured marble, glass; (adj.) in the form of a mosaic (verb) to work in mosaic
mosaically (Adv.) MOSAIC, in the form of a mosaic.
mosaicist a worker in mosaic.
moslings thin strips taken off when dressing skins.
musive (Obs.) relating to, or composed of, mosaic.
okimono (Japanese) a Japanese ornament or figurine.
ornamenter one who makes ornaments.
ornamentist one who makes ornaments.
paillon (Fr.) a decorative metallic scale or spangle; spec. a small piece of bright metal foil, used in enamel work.
penciler one who pencils.
penciller one who pencils.
pencraft penmanship; the art of composition.
reclame (Fr.) the art or practice by which publicity is secured.
rocaille (Fr.) artificial rockwork or similar ornament.
scrimshander to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines.
scrimshandy to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines.
scrimshaw to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines.
scrimshoner one who makes scrimshaw carvings.
shellwork work composed of shells, or adorned with them.
sparterie (Fr.) articles made of esparto.
spinstress a woman who spins.
spool a cylinder, bobbin or reel on which yarn, etc is wound; (verb) to wind on spools.
staffage decorative accessories or additions to work of art.
stuccowork work done in stucco.
taw to prepare skins for white leather.
tessella (Lat.) a small tessera, a square block of marble, glass, tile, etc., used in mosaic.
tessellate to cover with small tiles.
tessera (Lat.) a small piece of stone, glass or tile used in mosaic.
topiarian of or pertaining to the ornamental cutting and trimming of trees, hedges, etc.
topiarist one who practises topiary.
topiary the art of tree or shrub shaping.
triquetra (Lat.) a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes.
tusche (Ger.) a black substance used for drawing in lithography and as a resist in etching and silkscreen work.
verism an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
verismo (Ital.) realism or naturalism in the arts, esp with refererence to late-19th- cent. Italian opera.
verist an adherent of verism, an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
veristic relating to verism, an artistic preference for the everyday over the legendary.
waxwork work done in wax; a figure or object modelled in wax.
whakairo (Maori) the art of carving.
xylographic relating to xylography, the art of making engravings on wood.
yealm a bundle of straw for thatching; (verb) to straighten straw for thatching.
yelm (Dial.) a bundle of straw laid straight for thatching; (verb) to straighten straw for thatching.