Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
alpacca | a type of nickel silver used in jewellery. |
amber | fossilised resin. |
amberoid | synthetic amber. |
ambery | like amber > AMBERIER, AMBERIEST. |
ambroid | synthetic amber. |
asteria | a precious stone that shows asterism when cut en cabochon. |
bezel | the oblique side or face of a cut gem. |
bezil | the oblique side or face of a cut gem. |
boart | diamond dust or fragments. |
bort | diamond dust or fragments. |
borty | relating to bort, diamond dust. |
bortz | (Dutch) diamond dust or fragments. |
boulle | (Fr.) a form of marquetry with eg gold and silver inlaid in tortoiseshell. |
brilliant | shining (verb) to cut and polish a diamond |
brilliantly | (Adv.) BRILLIANT, shining. |
briolette | (Fr.) a pear-shaped gem. |
brute | brutal BRUTELY; (verb) to girdle or shape (a diamond) |
bruter | one who brutes diamonds (shapes them by rubbing them with another diamond). |
buhl | a form of marquetry with eg gold and silver inlaid in tortoiseshell. |
cabochon | (Fr.) a precious stone polished but uncut, or cut rounded on the top but flat on the back. |
cadrans | (Fr.) an instrument by which a gem is adjusted while being cut. |
cameo | a gem with a figure (usu. a head or bust in profile) carved in relief; (verb) to portray in sharp, delicate relief. |
capiz | (Tagalog) the translucent shell of a bivalve mollusc, used in making jewellery. |
chaton | (Fr.) the setting or stone of a finger-ring. |
chatoyant | (Fr.) having a changeable luster like that of a cat's eye at night; (noun) a chatoyant gemstone, such as a cat's eye. |
collet | a circular flange or collar; the part of a ring that contains the stone; (verb) to set a gem in a ring. |
culet | (Fr.) the flat back or base of a gemstone. |
dactyliography | the study of gem engraving. |
dactyliology | the study of finger-rings. |
diaglyph | a figure etched or engraved in surface of gem or stone. |
dore | (Fr.) gilded; (noun) a gold-coloured fish. |
emeraude | (Spenser) emerald. |
enameler | one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work. |
enamelist | one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work. |
enameller | one who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work. |
enamellist | a worker in enamel. |
enchase | to chase, engrave; to fix in a border or setting. |
engild | (Shakesp.) to gild. |
facet | a small surface; (verb) to cut with facets. |
gemmeous | relating to gems; like a gem. |
gemmery | gems generally. |
glyptic | related to carving or engraving, esp on gems. |
glyptics | the art of engraving or carving on gems. |
glyptographer | one who practises glyptography, the art of engraving on gems. |
glyptographic | relating to glyptography, the art of engraving on gems. |
glyptography | the art of engraving on gems. |
heishi | (Japanese) tiny beads made from shells. No -S. |
incavo | (Ital.) the incised part of an intaglio. |
inchase | to chase, engrave; to fix in a border or setting. |
intaglio | (Ital.) a figure engraved into a gem or another substance (verb) to carve an intaglio on |
jasperware | goods made of jasper. |
jewellike | like a jewel. |
lasque | (Persian) a flat thin diamond, common in India. |
loupe | (Fr.) a jeweller's magnifying glass worn on the eye-socket. |
navette | (Fr.) a pointed oval shape; a jewel cut in this shape. |
oriental | from the Orient (noun) a precious stone, esp a pearl; an Oriental rug |
orientally | (Adv.) ORIENTAL, from the Orient. |
pearlware | goods made from pearl. |
rubin | (Spenser) a ruby. |
rubine | (Spenser) a ruby. |
rubylike | like a ruby. |
sapphirine | a blue mineral, aluminium-magnesium silicate. |
strass | (Ger.) a paste for making false gems. |
tremblant | in jewellery, having the stones set on spring, to give a trembling effect. |
tripoli | an earthy substance orig brought from Tripoli, used in polishing stones and metals, aka diatomite. |
ungilt | not gilt. |