Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
accident | an unexpected or unintentional occurrence. |
attendment | an attendant circumstance. |
bechance | (Arch.) to happen by chance. |
befall | (Arch.) to happen to ) BEFELD, BEFALLEN. |
befallen | (PaP.) BEFALL, to happen to. |
befeld | (Spenser) befallen. |
befortune | (Shakesp.) to befall. |
behappen | (Spenser) to happen to. |
betide | to befall, happen to. |
betime | (Shakesp.) to betide. |
calamity | a grievous misfortune. |
casus | (Lat.) an event; an occurrence; a combination of circumstances. |
cataclysm | a great flood or other major disaster. |
circumstance | a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or determining another; (verb) to place in particular circumstances. |
contingence | an event (as an emergency) that may but is not certain to occur. |
contingency | an event (as an emergency) that may but is not certain to occur. |
eventive | denoting an event. |
eventualise | to happen, come into being. |
eventuality | a possible event or outcome. |
eventualize | to happen, come into being. |
eventuate | to turn out. |
eventuation | the act of eventuating. |
hap | chance (verb) to happen by chance |
haply | by hap, chance. |
happen | to occur. |
happenchance | a circumstance esp that is due to chance. |
happenstance | a circumstance esp that is due to chance. |
incident | falling on; (noun) an event. |
materialise | to appear, become material. |
misaunter | (Scots) an unlucky chance, a misfortune. |
mischance | bad luck (verb) to happen amiss |
mischanceful | (Arch.) full of mischance, unlucky. |
mischancy | unlucky, happening amiss. |
mischanter | (Scots) an unlucky chance, a misfortune. |
misevent | a mishap. |
misfall | (Obs.) to befall unluckily. |
mishanter | (Scots) an unlucky chance, a misfortune. |
mishap | an unlucky happening; (verb, obs.) to happen amiss. |
mishappen | (Spenser) to happen ill or unluckily. |
misluck | ill luck; misfortune; (verb) to meet with ill-luck. |
nonevent | a happening without significance. |
nonhappening | an event of no importance. |
obvention | (Obs.) any incidental occurrence or advantage. |
occasion | a case, instance or time of something happening; (verb) to cause. |
occur | to take place. |
occurrence | something that occurs. |
occurrent | occurring; (noun) an occurrence. |
perchance | by chance, as it may happen. |
recur | to happen again. |
recurrence | the act of recurring. |
recurrency | the act of recurring. |
recurringly | (Adv.) RECURRING. |
reoccur | to happen again. |
reoccurrence | a repeated occurrence. |
uneventful | marked by no noteworthy or untoward incidents. |
worth | value, merit (verb) to be, to happen, as in woe worth the day |