News from Wayne Kelly on England's WESPAC player selections.
The ABSP are now please to announce the 14 players to play for England in the 2023 WESPA Championship in Las Vegas in July.
Initially, the players rated over 160 were canvassed for opinion and I am glad to say we did not have to go beyond that this time. The players are:
Harshan Lamabadusuriya
Lewis Mackay
Wayne Kelly
Elie Dangoor
Jason Carney
Bob Violett
Jack NM Moran
Femi Awowade
Natalie Zolty
John Ashmore
ANdy Goodwin
Donna Stanton
Stewart Houten
Jared Jonathon Robinson
Additionally, both Mark Nyman and Brett Smitheram qualify automatically as past World Championship winners.
Unfortunately, there are no representatives for Wales, currently. The one person interested in representing Wales has had to withdraw, so any players from Wales or who are eligible to play for Wales, please contact Wayne Kelly as you are likely to get a place if you wish to play.
Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own associations to choose their qualifiers and will announce in due course.