Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Medical > Tumours

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

adenoma (Greek) a usually nonlethal tumour of a gland.
angioma a tumour due to dilated blood vessels.
angiosarcoma a malignant tumour of the vascular epithelia, occurring eg in the liver.
astrocytoma a tumour of the central nervous system.
blastoma a type of tumour.
carcinoid a benign or malignant tumour arising from the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.
carcinosarcoma a kind of tumour.
chondromatosis a condition in which benign tumours made up of cartilage cells form in the bones.
encanthis (Greek) a small tumour of the inner corner of the eye.
encephaloma a brain tumour.
endothelioma a tumour of the endothelia.
epithelioma a tumour of the epithelium.
fibroid of a fibrous nature; (noun) a fibrous tumour.
fibroma a tumour consisting mainly of fibrous tissue.
glioblastoma a malignant tumour of the central nervous system.
glioma a tumour of the neuroglia in the brain.
gliomatous relating to a glioma, a tumour of the neuroglia in the brain.
gumma (Lat.) a syphilitic tumour.
haemangioma a usually benign tumour made up of blood vessels.
hemangioma a usually benign tumour made up of blood vessels.
hepatoma a tumour of the liver.
leiomyoma a fibrous tumour, a fibroid.
lymphoadenoma a tumour of the lymph glands, aka Hodgkin's disease.
lymphogranuloma a tumour of the lymph glands.
lymphosarcoma a tumour of the lymph glands.
melanoma a kind of tumour.
meningioma a tumour of the meninges of the brain.
mesothelioma a tumour of the mesothelia.
myeloma (Greek) a tumour of the bone marrow.
myelomatous relating to a myeloma, a tumour of the bone marrow.
myoma a tumour consisting of muscular tissue.
nephroblastoma a tumour on the kidneys.
neuroblastoma a tumour of the nervous system.
neuroectodermal as in peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour, another name for Ewing's sarcoma.
neurofibroma a tumour of the nervous fibre.
odontoma a tumour arising in connection with the teeth.
odontomatous like an odontoma, a tumour arising in connection with the teeth.
oncogen an agent producing cancerous tumours.
oncogene an agent producing cancerous tumours.
oncogenesis the production of cancerous tumours.
oncogenic relating to oncogenesis, the production of cancerous tumours.
oncogenous relating to an oncogene, an agent producing cancerous tumours.
osteosarcoma a malignant tumour derived from osteoblasts, composed of bone and sarcoma cells.
papilloma a tumour formed by hypertrophy of a papilla or papillae, such as a wart, etc..
retinoblastoma a tumour of the retina.
rhabdomyoma a tumour of striated muscle.
sarcoid a fleshy tumour.
sarcoma (Greek) a tumour of connective tissue.
sarcomatoid like a sarcoma, a tumour of connective tissue.
seminoma a malignant tumour of the testicle.
steatocele a fatty tumour in the scrotum.
steatomatous relating to a steatoma, a tumour of the sebaceous gland.
struma (Lat.) scrofula or a scrofulous tumour.
syphiloma a syphilitic tumour.
talpa (Lat.) an encysted tumour on the head, a wen.
thymoma a tumour arising from thymus tissue.
tumorigenesis the causing or production of tumours.