Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Anatomy > Womb

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

afterbirth the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled after delivery.
allantoic pertaining to the allantois; sausage-shaped.
allantoid a saclike fetal membrane developing into umbilical cord and forming part of the placenta.
allantoidal pertaining to the allantois; sausage-shaped.
allantois a saclike fetal membrane developing into umbilical cord and forming part of the placenta.
amnic relating to the amnion, the innermost membrane enveloping the embryo of reptiles, birds and mammals.
amnion (Greek) the innermost membrane enveloping the embryo of reptiles, birds and mammals.
amnionic relating to the amnion, the innermost membrane enveloping the embryo of reptiles, birds and mammals.
cervix (Lat.) the neck of the womb.
decidua (Lat.) the inner layer of the wall of the uterus, which envelops the embryo, forms a part of the placenta, and is discharged with it.
decidual relating to the decidua, the inner layer of the wall of the uterus.
deciduate possessed of, or characterized by, a decidua, the inner layer of the wall of the uterus.
endometrial relating to the endometrium.
endometrium (Lat.) the inner lining of the womb.
indeciduate not deciduate.
intrafallopian within, or introduced into, (either of) the Fallopian tubes.
oophoron an ovary.
ovarial of or pertaining to the ovaries.
ovarian of or pertaining to the ovaries.
oviducal relating to the oviduct, a passage conveying eggs their place of fertilization.
oviduct a passage conveying eggs to the exterior or to a place of fertilization.
oviductal relating to the oviduct, a passage conveying eggs their place of fertilization.
placenta (Lat.) a round flat spongy vascular organ to which the foetus of most mammals is attached by the umbilical cord, through which oxygen and nutrients pass from the maternal blood.
placental relating to the placenta; (noun) a placental mammal.
placentate having a placenta.
salpinx (Greek) the Fallopian tube.
uterine of the uterus, or womb.
uterus (Lat.) the womb.