Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Anatomy > Blood

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

adventitia the outermost covering of an organ or part, esp of a blood vessel.
adventitial relating to the adventitia, the outermost covering of an organ or part, esp of a blood vessel.
alexin (Obs.) a body present in the blood serum, which uniting with an antiserum gives protection against disease.
alexine a body present in the blood serum, which uniting with an antiserum gives protection against disease.
alexinic of or like alexin, a body present in the blood serum.
antithrombin a substance in blood preventing coagulation of blood.
aorta (Lat.) the main artery into the heart.
aortal relating to the aorta, the main artery into the heart.
aortic relating to the aorta, the main artery into the heart.
arteriolar relating to an arteriole, a very small artery.
arteriole a small artery.
artery a vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
avascular not having blood vessels.
avascularity the state of being avascular.
basilic pertaining to the large vein in the upper arm.
basophil of white blood cells, having an affinity for basic stains; (noun) a basophil cell.
basophile of white blood cells, having an affinity for basic stains; (noun) such a cell.
basophilic of white blood cells, having an affinity for stains.
blood the oxygenating fluid (red in the higher animals) circulating in the body (verb) to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart)
bloodlike like blood.
bloodstream the flowing blood in a circulatory system.
blud blood.
capillarity the property or state of being capillary.
capillary any of the extremely narrow blood vessels which form a network between the arterioles and venules.
carotid a large artery that supplies blood to the head and neck.
carotidal relating to the carotid artery.
coagulant that which produces coagulation.
coagulate to curdle, clot, or thicken into a semisolid mass.
coagulation the act of coagulating.
coagulative serving to coagulate.
coagulum (Lat.) a coagulated mass esp of blood.
corpuscle a cell or other minute body suspended in fluid, esp a red or white cell in the blood.
corpuscular having the nature of corpuscles.
corpuscule a cell or other minute body suspended in fluid, esp a red or white cell in the blood.
crassamentum (Lat.) a clot of blood.
cryoglobulin an immunoglobulin formed in the blood in certain diseases which forms obstructions in small blood vessels when the extremities are subjected to low temperatures.
eosinophil a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin.
eosinophile a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin.
erythrocyte a red blood corpuscle.
erythrocytic of or like an erythrocyte, a red blood corpuscle.
erythron a bodily organ consisting of the red blood cells.
exsanguine without blood, anaemic.
exsanguined without blood, anaemic.
exsanguinity the state of being exsanguine, without blood.
fibrinogen a soluble protein, a globulin, in blood plasma, converted to fibrin by the action of the enzyme thrombin when blood clots.
fibrinogenic of or like a fibrinogen.
fibrinogenous of or like a fibrinogen.
fibronectin a protein found in blood, important in cell growth.
glomerular like a glomerulus, the bunch of looped capillary blood vessels in the kidney.
glomerulus the bunch of looped capillary blood vessels in a Malpighian capsule of the kidney.
glomus (Lat.) a small body consisting of blood-vessels and associated tissue; esp any of numerous small structures in the skin of the hands and feet functioning in temperature regulation.
grume a thick, viscid fluid; a clot, as of blood.
haem the pigment combined with protein in haemoglobin.
haemal pertaining to the blood.
haematal pertaining to the blood.
haematoblast a blood platelet.
haematoblastic of or like haematoblast, a blood platelet.
haematocele a cavity containing blood.
haematoid resembling blood.
haemic pertaining to the blood.
haemochrome a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen.
haemoconia small colourless granules in the blood, aka blood-dust.
haemocyte a blood cell, esp a red cell.
haemoglobin the iron-containing pigment which is the oxygen-carrying substance present in the red blood cells of vertebrates.
haemoid pertaining to the blood.
hemachrome a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen.
hemal pertaining to the blood.
hematal pertaining to the blood.
hematin a brown substance containing ferric iron obtained from dried blood.
hematine a brown substance containing ferric iron obtained from dried blood.
hematinic a substance having the effect of increasing the haemoglobin or of stimulating the production of red blood cells.
hematoblast a blood platelet.
hematoblastic of or like hematoblast, a blood platelet.
hematocele a cavity containing blood.
hematoid resembling blood.
heme the pigment combined with protein in haemoglobin.
hemic pertaining to the blood.
hemochrome a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen.
hemocyte a blood cell, esp a red blood cell.
hemoglobin the iron-containing pigment which is the oxygen-carrying substance present in the red blood cells of vertebrates.
hemoid pertaining to the blood.
intravascular situated in, occurring in, or administered by entry into a blood vessel.
intravascularly (Adv.) INTRAVASCULAR, situated in, occurring in, or administered by entry into a blood vessel.
intravenous situated, performed, or occurring within or entering by way of a vein.
intravenously (Adv.) INTRAVENOUS, situated, performed, or occurring within or entering by way of a vein.
jugular pertaining to neck or throat; (noun) a vein in the neck.
leucocyte a colourless corpuscle, as one of the white blood corpuscles.
leucocytic relating to white corpuscles.
leucocytosis an increase in the number of leucocytes in blood.
leucocytotic related to leucocytosis.
leukoblast an immature leukocyte.
leukocyte a colorless corpuscle, as one of the white blood corpuscles.
leukocytic of or like leukocytes.
leukon (Greek) a bodily organ consisting of the white blood cells.
lifeblood the blood necessary to life.
lymphocyte a small white blood cell.
macrophage any of the large phagocytic cells situated in the walls of blood vessels.
megakaryocyte a large cell with a lobulated nucleus, found esp in the bone marrow, the source of blood platelets.
methaemoglobin a brown compound of oxygen and haemoglobin formed in the blood by the action of certain drugs.
monocyte a large white blood corpuscle.
monocytic of or like a monocyte, a large white blood corpuscle.
monocytoid of or like a monocyte, a large white blood corpuscle.
nonheme not containing iron that is bound like that of heme.
opsonin a substance of blood serum making bacteria vulnerable to phagocytic action.
phagocyte a white blood corpuscle that engulfs bacteria and other harmful particles.
phagocytic of or like a phagocyte.
phagocytical of or like a phagocyte.
phagocytism the nature or function of a phagocyte.
phlebolite a calcareous concretion found in a vein.
plasmin a proteolytic enzyme that causes fibrinolysis in blood clots.
platelet a minute particle in blood, concerned in clotting.
plethoric having a full habit of body; characterized by plethora or excess of blood.
plethorical having a full habit of body; characterized by plethora or excess of blood.
plethorically (Adv.) PLETHORICAL, characterized by plethora or excess of blood.
postcava (Lat.) the inferior vena cava.
postcaval relating to the postcava, the inferior vena cava.
precava (Lat.) the superior vena cava.
precaval The precava, the superior vena cava > PRECAVALS..
prothrombin a proteinlike substance present in blood plasma.
radial having rays or spokes diverging from the centre (noun) a radial artery
rete a network, esp of blood-vessels or nerves.
reticulocyte an immature red blood cell that exhibits a reticulated appearance when stained.
saphena (Lat.) one of the two main superficial veins of the leg.
saphenous relating to the saphena, one of the two principal superficial veins of the leg.
serum (Lat.) a watery liquid, esp that which separates from coagulating blood.
serumal of or like serum.
thrombocyte a platelet.
thrombocytic relating to a thrombocyte.
transferrin a beta globulin in blood plasma capable of combining with ferric ions and transporting iron in the body.
vascular of, relating to or composed of vessels containing fluids eg blood, sap.
vascularity the state of being vascular.
vascularly (Adv.) VASCULAR, of, relating to or composed of vessels containing fluids.
vasculature the arrangement of blood vessels.
vasoactive affecting blood vessels.
vasomotor causing constriction or expansion of blood vessels.
vasovagal of or relating to both vascular or vagal factors.
vein a tubular blood vessel (verb) to fill with veins
veinal pertaining to veins.
veinless without veins.
veinlet a small vein.
veinlike like a vein.
veinous full of veins.
veinule a small vein.
veinulet a small veinule.
vena (Lat.) a vein.
venosity the state of being venous, pertaining to the veins.
venous relating to, or contained in, veins.
venously (Adv.) VENOUS, relating to, or contained in, veins.
venousness the state of being venous.
venular like a venule, a small vein.
venule a small vein.
venulose full of venules, or small veins.
venulous full of venules, or small veins.