Association of British Scrabble Players

Study > 4-letter Words

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

paal (Dutch) in the Caribbean, a stake driven into the ground > PAALS.
paan Betel leaf > PAANS.
paca (Tupi) a South American rodent, the spotted CAVY > PACAS. [Sp. & Port. f. Tupi p´ca].
pace To walk with a regular step > PACES, PACING, PACED.
pack To put into a receptacle for transportation or storage > PACKS, PACKING, PACKED.
paco (Quechua) an alpaca > PACOS. [Sp. f. Quechua pako red, reddish yellow].
pacs (Pl.) PAC, a moccasin or soft shoe to be worn inside a boot.
pact An agreement > PACTS.
pacy Fast, lively, smart > PACIER, PACIEST. Also PACEY.
padi (Malay) a rice field > PADIS. Also PADDY.
pads (3rd.) PAD, to cover or fill with soft material.
page To summon by calling out the name of > PAGES, PAGING, PAGED.
pahs (Pl.) PAH, a Maori fort or settlement.
paid (Pt.) PAY, to remunerate.
paik (Scots) to thump, drub > PAIKS, PAIKING, PAIKED.
pail A watertight cylindrical container > PAILS.
pain To cause pain (suffering or distress) > PAINS, PAINING, PAINED.
pair To arrange in sets of two > PAIRS, PAIRING, PAIRED; (adj.) poor > PAIRER, PAIREST.
pais (Arch.) the people from whom a jury is drawn. No plural.
paks (Pl.) PAK, a pack.
pale Lacking colour > PALER, PALEST; PALELY; (verb) to grow pale > PALES, PALING, PALED.
pali (Hawaiian) a cliff in Hawaii > PALIS.
pall A covering cloth laid upon Communion chalice; (verb) to grow wearisome > PALLS, PALLING, PALLED.
palm To touch with the palm (inner surface) of the hand > PALMS, PALMING, PALMED.
palp An elongated sense organ, usually near mouth, in insects, mollusks, crustaceans. Also PALPUS. (Verb) to sense by touch > PALPS, PALPING, PALPED.
pals (3rd.) PAL, to associate as a pal.
paly Pale in colour > PALIER, PALIEST.
pams (Pl.) PAM, the knave of clubs.
pand (Scots) the valance of a bed > PANDS.
pane (Verb) to insert panes into > PANES, PANING, PANED.
pang (Verb) to inflict a pang on > PANGS, PANGING, PANGED.
pans (3rd.) PAN, to wash earth for gold.
pant To breathe quickly and with difficulty > PANTS, PANTING, PANTED.
papa A father > PAPAS.
pape (Scots) pope > PAPES.
paps (3rd.) PAP, to feed with pap.
para (Turkish) a small Turkish coin > PARAS. [Turkish parah].
pare To cut or shave off the outer surface or edge of > PARES, PARING, PARED.
park To leave a vehicle in a location for a time > PARKS, PARKING, PARKED.
parp To sound a car horn; to toot > PARPS, PARPING, PARPED.
parr A young salmon, during its freshwater days (first two years) > PARRS.
pars (3rd.) PAR, to score a standard number of strokes in golf.
part To divide or break into separate pieces > PARTS, PARTING, PARTED.
pase (Spanish) a movement of a matador's cap > PASES. [Sp. pase, pass].
pash (Shakesp.) to strike violently, to bruise, crush > PASHES, PASHING, PASHED.
pass To go by > PASSES, PASSING, PASSED.
past Time gone > PASTS.
pate The top of the head, usually a bald head > PATES, PATED.
path (Verb) (Shakesp.) to go > PATHS, PATHING, PATHED.
pats (3rd.) PAT, to stroke gently.
patu (Maori) a short club > PATUS.
paty Having expanded crossed arms. No comp!
paua (Maori) a name for the abalone shell > PAUAS. Also PAWA.
paul An obsolete silver coin > PAULS. Also PAOLO.
pave To cover with material that forms a firm, level surface > PAVES, PAVING, PAVED.
pavs (Pl.) PAV, a pavlova.
pawa (Maori) a name for the abalone shell > PAWAS. Also PAUA.
pawk (Scots) a trick > PAWKS.
pawl A lever which engages with a ratchet wheel so as to permit movement in one direction only > PAWLS.
pawn To give as security for something borrowed > PAWNS, PAWNING, PAWNED.
paws (3rd.) PAW, to scrape with a paw.
pays (3rd.) PAY, to remunerate.
peag (Am. Ind.) wampum; beads used as money > PEAGS. Also PEAGE.
peak To reach a maximum > PEAKS, PEAKING, PEAKED.
peal To ring out > PEALS, PEALING, PEALED.
pean 1. (Her.) a fur resembling ermine but having gold markings on a black field. 2. (verb) to beat thin with a hammer > PEANS, PEANING, PEANED. Also PEEN, PENE.
pear A fruit, a pome tapering towards the stalk and bulged at the end > PEARS.
peas (Pl.) PEA, the nutritious seed of certain papilionaceous climbing plants.
peat Vegetable matter partly decomposed in wet acid conditions in bogs and fens to form a firm brown deposit resembling soil > PEATS.
peba (Tupi) a long-nosed armadillo of the genus Dasypus > PEBAS.
pech (Scots) to pant > PECHS, PECHING, PECHED. Also PEGH.
peck A unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts; (verb) to pick at with a beak > PECKS, PECKING, PECKED.
pecs (Pl.) PEC, pectoral muscle.
pedi (Short for) pedicure > PEDIS.
peds (Pl.) PED, pedestrian.
peed (Pt.) PEE, to urinate.
peek To look furtively or quickly > PEEKS, PEEKING, PEEKED.
peel The covering of a fruit; (verb) to remove the peel from > PEELS, PEELING, PEELED.
peen The end of a hammer head opposite to the face, esp. when sharp; (verb) to beat thin with a hammer, hammer out; strike with the peen of a hammer > PEENS, PEENING, PEENED. Also PENE, PEAN.
peep To take a quick look > PEEPS, PEEPING, PEEPED.
peer To look narrowly or searchingly > PEERS, PEERING, PEERED.
pees (3rd.) PEE, to urinate.
pegh (Scots) to pant > PEGHS, PEGHING, PEGHED. Also PECH.
pegs (3rd.) PEG, to fasten with a peg.
pehs (Pl.) PEH, the Hebrew letter.
pein The end of a hammer head opposite to the face, esp. when sharp; (verb) to hammer with this > PEINS, PEINING, PEINED. Also PEAN, PEEN. PENE.
peke (Coll.) a Pekinese dog > PEKES.
pela (Chinese) white wax from a scale insect > PELAS. [Chinese peh-la, white wax].
pele (Spenser) a peal > PELES.
pelf Wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired > PELFS (PELVES is the pl. of PELVIS).
pell A skin or hide; a roll of parchment > PELLS.
pels (Pl.) PEL, an earlier word for a pixel.
pelt To strike repeatedly with blows or missiles > PELTS, PELTING, PELTED.
pend (Verb) to hang > PENDS, PENDING, PENDED.
pene The end of a hammer head opposite to the face, esp. when sharp; (verb) to beat thin with a hammer > PENES, PENING, PENED. Also PEEN, PEAN, PEIN.
peni (Spenser) penny > PENIS. Also PENIE.
penk (Ger.) a minnow. [Ger. Pinke].
pens (3rd.) PEN, to write down on paper.
pent (Noun) a penthouse; a sloping or overhanging roof > PENTS.
peon (Spanish) a day-labourer, esp. in Spanish-speaking America > PEONS or PEONES.
pepo Any fleshy fruit with a firm rind, as a pumpkin, melon, or gourd > PEPOS. Also PEPONIUM, PEPONIDA.
peps (3rd.) PEP, to put pep into.
perc (Short for) perchloride, a chemical used in dry cleaning > PERCS.
pere (Fr.) father > PERES.
peri (Persian) in Persian mythology, a fairy > PERIS.
perk To carry oneself jauntily > PERKS, PERKING, PERKED.
perm To give hair a permanent wave > PERMS, PERMING, PERMED.
pern The honey buzzard > PERNS.
perp (Coll.) one who has committed a crime > PERPS.
pert Impudent > PERTER, PERTEST; PERTLY; (noun) an impudent person > PERTS.
perv To behave as a sexual pervert > PERVS, PERVING, PERVED. Also PERVE.
peso (Spanish) a standard monetary unit in the Philippines and some S and Central American countries, worth 100 CENTESIMOS in Uruguay and 100 centavos elsewhere > PESOS.
pest An annoying person or thing > PESTS.
pets (3rd.) PET, to treat as a pet.
pews (Pl.) PEW, one of several long benchlike seats with backs, used by the congregation.
pfft An interjection expressing sudden ending.
pfui An exclamation of contempt, scorn etc. Also PHOOEY.
phat Susceptible of easy and rapid typesetting > PHATTER, PHATTEST.
phew An exclamation of relief, astonishment etc. No -S.
phis (Pl.) PHI, a Greek letter.
phiz (Coll.) physiognomy, face > PHIZES or PHIZZES. Also PHIZOG.
phoh An expression of disgust > PHOHS. Also FOH, PHO.
phon (Greek) a unit of loudness of sound as heard by listeners > PHONS. [Gk. phone sound, voice.]
phos (Pl.) PHO, an expression of disgust.
phot A unit of the product of illumination and duration, equal to one lux maintained for one second > PHOTS.
phut A sound like a bullet's; (verb) to make such a sound > PHUTS, PHUTTING, PHUTTED.
pial Pertaining to a PIA, a membrane of the brain.
pian A tropical disease > PIANS.
pias (Pl.) PIA, a tropical plant.
pica An old type size, approximately, and still used synonymously for, 12-point > PICAS.
pice (Hindi) an Indian coin, 1/4 anna > PICE. No -S.
pick To select > PICKS, PICKING, PICKED.
pics (Pl.) PIC, picture.
pied (Pt.) PIE, to reduce to confusion.
pier A structure extending from land out over water > PIERS.
pies (3rd.) PIE, to reduce to confusion.
piet (Scots) a magpie > PIETS. Also PYAT, PYOT, PYET.
pigs (3rd.) PIG, to eat greedily.
pika (Tungus) any of various small lagomorph mammals of western N. America and central Asia > PIKAS.
pike A voracious freshwater fish; (verb) to kill or pierce with a pike > PIKES, PIKING, PIKED.
piki (Am. Ind.) maize-meal bread in the form of very thin sheets, made by the Hopi Indians of the south-western US > PIKIS. [Hopi].
pila (Pl.) PILUM, a Roman javelin.
pile To lay one upon the other > PILES, PILING, PILED.
pili (Tagalog) a kind of nut > PILIS.
pill (Verb) to form into pills > PILLS, PILLING, PILLED.
pily Divided into wedge shapes > PILIER, PILIEST.
pima A strong cotton > PIMAS. [From Pima County, Arizona].
pimp To solicit clients for a prostitute > PIMPS, PIMPING, PIMPED.
pina (Obs.) pineapple; also, a fine cloth woven of pineapple fibre; the n has a tilde > PINAS.
pine To yearn intensely > PINES, PINING, PINED.
ping To produce a brief, high-pitched sound > PINGS, PINGING, PINGED.
pink Rose-coloured > PINKER, PINKEST; PINKLY; (verb) to cut with special scissors to make zigzag edge > PINKS, PINKING, PINKED.
pins (3rd.) PIN, to fasten with a pin.
pint A measure of capacity equal to half a quart or 4 gills > PINTS.
piny (Noun) a peony > PINIES; (adj.) having e.g. the fragrance of pine > PINIER, PINIEST. Also PINEY.
pion A pi-meson > PIONS.
pioy (Scots) a home-made firework > PIOYS. Also PIOYE, PEEOY.
pipa The Surinam toad, noted for its peculiar breeding habits > PIPAS. [Surinam dialect].
pipe A unit of liquid capacity equal to two hogsheads; (verb) to play a pipe > PIPES, PIPING, PIPED.
pipi (Maori) an edible shellfish of Australasia > PIPIS.
pips (3rd.) PIP, to offend or disgust.
pipy Like a pipe; hollow-stemmed > PIPIER, PIPIEST.
pirl An eddy, a ripple > PIRLS.
pirn (Scots) a reel, a bobbin > PIRNS.
pirs (Pl.) PIR, a Muslim holy man.
pise (Fr.) a species of wall made of stiff earth or clay rammed in between molds which are carried up as the wall rises > PISES. The e has an accent.
pish An exclamation of contempt; (verb) to make such an exclamation > PISHES, PISHING, PISHED.
piso (Tagalog) a Philippines monetary unit > PISOS.
piss (Coll.) to urinate > PISSES, PISSING, PISSED.
pita (Quechua) the fibre of various species of bromelia > PITAS. [Quechua pita, fine thread].
pith (Verb) to severely damage the brain of a frog > PITHS, PITHING, PITHED.
pits (3rd.) PIT, to put.
pity To feel pity (sorrow aroused by another's misfortune) > PITIES, PITYING, PITIED.
pium (Tupi) a small troublesome Brazilian biting fly > PIUMS.
pixy A small fairy > PIXIES. Also PIXIE, PISKY.
pize A term of imprecation; pox, pest; (verb) to strike someone a blow > PIZES, PIZING, PIZED.
plan To formulate a plan (a method for achieving an end) > PLANS, PLANNING, PLANNED.
plap A flatter sound than a plop; (verb) to make such a sound > PLAPS, PLAPPING, PLAPPED.
plat To form by interweaving; to braid; to plait > PLATS, PLATTING, PLATTED.
play To engage in amusement or sport > PLAYS, PLAYING, PLAYED.
plea (Verb) to dispute in a law-court > PLEAS, PLEAING, PLEAED.
pleb (Abbr.) PLEBEIAN > PLEBS.
pled (Pl.) PLEAD, to ask for earnestly.
plew A beaver skin > PLEWS. Also PLU, PLUE.
plex (Abbr.) multiplex > PLEXES.
plie (Fr.) a movement in ballet > PLIES. (The e has an accent).
plim To swell, as grain or wood with water > PLIMS, PLIMMING, PLIMMED.
plod To walk heavily > PLODS, PLODDING, PLODDED.
plop To drop or fall heavily > PLOPS, PLOPPING, PLOPPED.
plot To plan secretly > PLOTS, PLOTTING, PLOTTED.
plow A plough; (verb) to plough > PLOWS, PLOWING, PLOWED.
ploy (Verb) to move from a line into column > PLOYS, PLOYING, PLOYED.
plue A beaver's pelt > PLUES. Also PLU, PLEW.
plug To seal or close with a plug (a piece of material used to fill a hole) > PLUGS, PLUGGING, PLUGGED.
plum Choice > PLUMMER, PLUMMEST; (noun) an oval drupe or stone-fruit with juicy, sweet-tasting yellowish flesh > PLUMS.
plus (Verb) to increase in value > PLUSES or PLUSSES, PLUSED or PLUSSED, PLUSING or PLUSSING.
poas (Pl.) POA, meadow-grass.
pock A pustule raised on the surface of the body in variolous and vaccine diseases; (verb) to mark with pocks > POCKS, POCKING, POCKED.
poco (Ital.) little.
pods (3rd.) POD, to shell peas.
poem A composition in verse > POEMS.
poep (Afrikaans) a fart; a despicable person > POEPS.
poet One who writes poems > POETS.
pogo To jump up and down on the spot to music > POGOS, POGOING, POGOED.
pogy (Am. Ind.) a marine fish > POGIES.
pohs (3rd.) POH, to reject contemptuously.
pois (Pl.) POI, fermented TARO.
poke To push or prod > POKES, POKING, POKED.
poky (Noun) jail > POKIES. Also POKEY. (Adj.) cramped > POKIER, POKIEST; POKILY.
pole A unit of area equal to a square rod; (verb) to propel with a pole > POLES, POLING, POLED.
polk To dance a polka > POLKS, POLKING, POLKED.
poll To question for the purpose of surveying public opinion > POLLS, POLLING, POLLED.
polo A game like hockey played on horseback > POLOS.
pols (Pl.) POL, a politician.
polt (Verb) to strike, thump > POLTS, POLTING, POLTED.
poly (Abbr.) a polytechnic > POLYS or POLIES.
pome Any fruit of the apple family e.g. apple, quince > POMES.
pomo (Coll.) postmodernism > POMOS.
pomp Stately or splendid display > POMPS.
poms (Pl.) POM, a Pomeranian dog.
pond (Verb) to make into a pond > PONDS, PONDING, PONDED.
pone The card player on the dealer's right responsible for cutting the cards > PONES.
pong To stink > PONGS, PONGING, PONGED. Also PONK.
ponk To smell bad > PONKS, PONKING, PONKED. Also PONG.
pons (Lat.) bridge, as in pons asinorum, 'bridge of asses'; test of ignorant person's ability > PONTES.
pont In S. Africa, a small ferryboat guided across a narrow stretch of water by a rope or cable > PONTS.
pony A small horse > PONIES. Also POWNY, POWNEY, POWNIE. (Verb) (old slang) to pay or settle up > PONIES, PONYING, PONIED. Also PONEY.
pood (Russian) a Russian weight, equal to forty Russian pounds or about thirty-six English pounds avoirdupois > POODS.
poof Interjection.
pooh Expressing contempt; (verb) to express contempt for > POOHS, POOHING, POOHED.
pook (Scots) to pluck, pinch > POOKS, POOKING, POOKIT or POUKIT. Also POUK.
pool To combine in a common fund > POOLS, POOLING, POOLED.
poon (Malayalam) an E. Indian tree > POONS. [Malayalam punna].
poop (Verb) to fool, cozen > POOPS, POOPING, POOPED. Also POUPE.
poor Not rich > POORER, POOREST; POORLY.
poos (3rd.) POO, to poop.
poot (Scots) a poult, a young fowl; (verb) to shoot at young partridges or young grouse > POOTS, POOTING, POOTED.
pope A small freshwater fish, aka RUFFE > POPES.
pops (3rd.) POP, to make a pop.
pore Any opening into or through a tissue or body structure; (verb) to examine closely > PORES, PORING, PORED.
pork Pig's flesh as food; (verb) to eat ravenously > PORKS, PORKING, PORKED.
porn Pornography > PORNS.
port A sweet fortified dessert wine; (verb) to carry, convey > PORTS, PORTING, PORTED.
pory (Obs.) porous; as, pory stone > PORIER, PORIEST.
pose To assume a fixed position > POSES, POSING, POSED.
posh Smart, stylish > POSHER, POSHEST; POSHLY; (verb) to polish up > POSHES, POSHING, POSHED.
poss To agitate clothes in washing them > POSSES, POSSING, POSSED.
post To affix in a public place > POSTS, POSTING, POSTED.
posy (Noun) a small bunch of flowers > POSIES; (adj.) given to posing > POSIER, POSIEST.
pote To poke, thrust > POTES, POTING, POTED.
pots (3rd.) POT, to cook or put in a pot.
pott A paper-size > POTTS.
pouf To fluff up.
pouk (Scots) to pluck, pinch > POUKS, POUKING, POUKIT. Also POOK.
pour To cause to flow > POURS, POURING, POURED.
pout To protrude the lips in ill humor > POUTS, POUTING, POUTED.
pown (Scots) a peacock > POWNS. Also POWIN.
pows (Pl.) POW, head.
poxy Afflicted by pox > POXIER, POXIEST.
pozz (Sl.) old short form of positive. Also POZ.
prad (Dutch) (sl.) a horse > PRADS. [By metathesis from Dutch paard, horse.]
pram A flat-bottomed boat or lighter, used in Holland and the Baltic, and sometimes armed in case of war > PRAMS. Also PRAAM.
prao (Malay) a swift Malayan sailboat with triangular sail and one outrigger > PRAOS. Also PROA, PRAHU, PRAU.
prat (Coll.) an idiot > PRATS.
prau (Malay) a swift Malayan sailboat with triangular sail and one outrigger > PRAUS. Also PROA, PRAHU, PRAO.
pray To address prayers to > PRAYS, PRAYING, PRAYED.
pree (Scots) to make a trial of, esp. by tasting or kissing > PREES, PREEING, PREED.
prem A premature infant > PREMS.
prep (Abbr.) preparation; (verb) to prepare > PREPS, PREPPING, PREPPED.
prex (US college slang) the president of a college > PREXES. Also PREXY.
prey To seize and devour animals for food > PREYS, PREYING, PREYED.
prez (Abbr.) president > PREZES.
prig (Shakesp.) to steal > PRIGS, PRIGGING, PRIGGED.
prim Over-demure > PRIMMER, PRIMMEST; PRIMLY; (verb) to dress with great nicety > PRIMS, PRIMMING, PRIMMED.
proa (Malay) a swift Malayan sailboat with triangular sail and one outrigger > PROAS. Also PRAU, PRAHU, PRAO.
prob (Coll.) a problem > PROBS.
prod To jab with something pointed > PRODS, PRODDING, PRODDED.
prof (Abbr.) professor > PROFS.
prog To wander about and beg; to seek food or other supplies by low arts > PROGS, PROGGING, PROGGED.
prom A school or college dance > PROMS.
proo (Scots) a call to a cow to come near. Also PRUH.
prop To keep from falling > PROPS, PROPPING, PROPPED.
pros (Pl.) PRO, one in favour of.
prow (Noun) part of a ship > PROWS; (adj.) (Spenser) full of prowess > PROWER, PROWEST.
pruh (Scots) a call to a cow to come near. Also PROO.
prys (Obs.) to price > PRYSES, PRYSING, PRYSED.
psis (Pl.) PSI, a Greek letter.
psst An interjection used to attract someone's attention. Also PST.
ptui An imitation of the sound of someone spitting. Also PTOOEY.
pube Pubic hair > PUBES.
pubs (Pl.) PUB, a public house.
puce Brownish-purple; purplish-pink > PUCER, PUCEST.
puck A mischievous sprite. Also POOKA, POUKE. (Verb) to strike the bal in hurling > PUCKS, PUCKING, PUCKED.
puds (Pl.) PUD, pudding.
pudu A very small deer, native of the Chilian Andes > PUDUS.
puer The dung of dogs, used as an alkaline steep in tanning; (verb) to tan using this > PUERS, PUERING, PUERED.
puff To blow in short gusts > PUFFS, PUFFING, PUFFED.
pugh (Obs.) an expression of contempt. No -S.
pugs (3rd.) PUG, to grind with water and make plastic.
puha (Maori) sow-thistle > PUHAS.
puir (Scots) poor > PUIRER, PUIREST.
puja (Sanskrit) a Hindu act of worship or prayer > PUJAS. Also PUJAH, POOJA, POOJAH.
puka (Maori) any tobacco plant having broad leaves > PUKA. No -S.
puke To vomit > PUKES, PUKING, PUKED.
puku (Zulu) an antelope of central southern Africa, related to the water-buck and distinguished by its shaggy golden-yellow coat > PUKUS. [Zulu mpuku].
puky Resembling vomit > PUKIER, PUKIEST.
pula (Setswana) the standard monetary unit in Botswana, = 100 THEBE > PULAS. [Setswana, lit, rain, used as a greeting].
pule To pipe; to whimper or whine > PULES, PULING, PULED.
puli (Hungarian) a long-haired sheepdog > PULIK or PULIS.
pulk (Finnish) a Laplander's boat-shaped sledge > PULKS. Also PULKA, PULKHA.
pull To exert force in order to cause motion toward the force > PULLS, PULLING, PULLED.
pulp To reduce to pulp (a soft, moist mass of matter) > PULPS, PULPING, PULPED.
puls (Pl.) PUL, a monetary unit of Afghanistan.
pulu (Hawaiian) a silky fibre from the Hawaiian tree-fern > PULUS.
puly Given to PULING, whiny > PULIER, PULIEST.
puma (Quechua) a large reddish-brown American cat, aka mountain lion > PUMAS. [Sp. f. Quechua púma.]
pump A device for moving fluids; (verb) to cause to flow by means of a pump > PUMPS, PUMPING, PUMPED.
pumy (Spenser) a pebble > PUMIES. Also PUMIE.
puna (Quechua) a high bleak plateau in the Peruvian Andes; a cold wind of the Andes that blows there > PUNAS. [Amer. Sp., f. Quechua.]
pung (Am. Ind.) a box-shaped sleigh > PUNGS. [Algonquian tom-pung, cf. TOBOGGAN].
punk Decayed wood > PUNKS; (adj.) rotten, worthless > PUNKER, PUNKEST.
puns (3rd.) PUN, to make a pun.
punt A flat-bottomed boat for use in shallow water, propelled by a pole; (verb) to travel by punt > PUNTS, PUNTING, PUNTED.
puny Small and feeble > PUNIER, PUNIEST; PUNILY. Also PUISNE, PUISNY.
pupa (Lat.) an insect in the usu. passive stage between larva and imago > PUPAE or PUPAS.
pups (3rd.) PUP, to give birth to a pup.
pupu (Hawaiian) a dish of Asian foods served as an appetize > PUPUS.
pure Free from stain > PURER, PUREST; PURELY; (verb) to cleanse or refine; to treat with pure (dog faeces) > PURES, PURING, PURED.
puri (Hindi) in India, a small cake of unleavened bread fried in vegetable oil > PURIS. Also POORI.
purl (Of a stream etc.) to ripple along, murmuring > PURLS, PURLING, PURLED.
purr To utter a low, vibrant sound > PURRS, PURRING, PURRED.
purs (3rd.) PUR, to purr.
push To exert force in order to cause motion away from the force > PUSHES, PUSHING, PUSHED.
puss A familiar name for a cat > PUSSES. Also PUSSY.
puts (3rd.) PUT, to place.
putt To hit with a light stroke in golf > PUTTS, PUTTING, PUTTED.
putz To waste time > PUTZES, PUTZING, PUTZED.
puys (Pl.) PUY, a small volcanic cone.
pwns (3rd.) PWN, to dominate or humiliate an opponent esp in online gaming.
pyas (Pl.) PYA, a Burmese monetary unit.
pyat (Scots) a magpie > PYATS. Also PYOT, PIET, PYET.
pyes (3rd.) PYE, to reduce to confusion.
pyet (Scots) a magpie > PYETS. Also PYAT, PIET, PYOT.
pyic Pertaining to or discharging pus.
pyin A protein contained in PUS > PYINS.
pyne To waste away > PYNES, PYNING, PYNED. Also PINE.
pyot (Scots) a magpie > PYOTS. Also PYAT, PIET, PYET.
pyre A pile of combustible material > PYRES.
pyro (Abbr.) PYROGALLOL, a chemical used in photography > PYROS.